Daniel Fischer is also the 1997 winner of the
of the
Astronomische Gesellschaft
Then there are the astronomical expeditions which I like to organize -
so far I've been to 11 total and 6 annular solar eclipses, two meteor storms and
two major showers, three comets, a transit of Venus and more. Here are my
reports on
Now and then I also take pictures of bright comets like
Hyakutake or
Hale-Bopp (March 28,
April 4 and
Or watch one
crashing into Jupiter (see also my reports
quoted by ESO
and archived at
2nd report])...
Finally I'd like to draw your attention to my publicistic adventures
which include the production of the (almost) weekly newsletter
and the publication of German-language books on the
Jupiter Crash, the
Galileo mission
and the
Hubble Space Telescope, the latter also being available in an
English edition
here). And
there is a 2nd
volume in print!
There is also a CD-ROM on the same topic. I also wrote the Kosmos Report Weltraum Aktuell 1997/98. Furthermore I also like to give talks on astronomy, some of which are contained in conference videos of The Astronomer. |
New: A tested collection of links about Hale-Bopp and comets! ( SuW version)
And for something completely different, try the funny pages...
worth of frequent checks:
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Daniel Fischer, Im Kottsiefen 10, 53639 Koenigswinter, Germany © 1996 dfischer@astro.uni-bonn.de
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