Welcome to the world of aviation in it's infancy.
As the millennium approaches, and Science Fiction seems to be turning into Science Fact, now is a good time to reflect that powered, controlled flight has only been with us since 17 of December 1903.
This web-space is therefore dedicated to the pioneers of those early, stuttering days of heavier than air flight, in the years before World War One,when you really could build the "state of the art" flying machine in your back yard, and anything seemed possible.
From the Wright brothers to the great aviation meets like Reims, to the record holders and breakers, if you're into aviation these pages will interest you.
So, spend some time, look around, tell me what you think.
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These pages will be in a constant state of change. I will be adding, deleting, and generally improving this site as time goes on.
So anything you want to see (or don't - whatever) let me know.
. Aviation freaks 'ave bin 'ere so far.
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