My quest started by a simple question, “How is the universe made and how does it works?”

As you can see in my blog, many have asked this question and there are many different approaches to try to get an answer. I get my pleasure from seeking the answers.

I have been trying to understand how the universe is made by looking at the recent scientific papers and the many approaches that are being used. Here is what I have learned since coming to this forum. This is based on the speculations in the scientific papers.


Only massless 2d Scalars exist. The first fluctuations would be between 24 planck units and the GUT scale. Minimum length is maintained. [1]

PHASE CHANGE - The GUT scale is a phase change for the 2d massless scalars. An additional symmetry is revealed. Minimum length has increased to a minimum of the GUT scale.

PHASE II - SCALARS Scalars fluctuate between the GUT scale and 10^-18. [2]

PHASE CHANGE - 10^-18. 30% of the massless scalars are transformed to a quark-gluon liquid, CGC (Color Glass Condensate).


The 30% quark-gluon liquid slowed down from the speed of light and curled up. The remaining 70% of the massless 2d scalars have grown to a minimum size of 10^-18. The massless 2d scalars, now, fluctuate between 10^-18 and 10^-15. The acquired mass of the 3d quark-gluon liquid resulted in sphere packing and established the “Future Cosmic Horizon”. [4] As the “Future Cosmic Horizon” expanded it included more massless 2d scalars to fill the void that resulted when the 2d massless scalars became a 3d quark-gluon liquid.

PHASE CHANGE – confinement of the 3d quark gluon liquid


The expansion of the “Future Cosmic Horizon” is increasing the numbers of the 2d massless scalars. This reduces the pressure and cooled the 3d quark-gluons liquid which then undergoes confinement, they get their partners and become protons (5%) with mass. The mass of the particles start a further expansion of the “Future Cosmic Horizon”.

The protons would be in a solid hydrogen phase. Further expansion causes the hydrogen solid to become liquid then a gas.

PHASE V - CMB is formed

CMB is formed by the decoupling of electrons when the hydrogen reached a gas phase. The CMB is much smaller than the future cosmic horizon because it started later. All pre CMB phases can have duration of fluctuations which would make the universe appears to be almost flat.


1. The 2d massless scalars are still present within the universe and are the source of virtual particles.

2. Spacetime is made up of a 2d simple structured massless scalars which are fluctuating between 10^-18 and 10^-15. [6]

3. The proportion of dark energy, (2d massless scalars), and baryonic matter is consistent with sphere packing. [7]


CITATIONS – see blog entries

The blogs were deleted and I saved them at pfblogrecovered.htm without any reformating.

[1] LQG/LQC - first principles, minimum length, PART#5- INFLATON IS DEAD, BOUNCE IS BETTER THAN BANG, Pre inflation conditions Un-Official version


[3] quark- gluon liquid CGC (Color Glass Condensate) - Holography and Confinement, CERN and Fusion Power

[4] Future Cosmic Horizon - Can the universe fit into the CMB?, Holographic dark energy, "A LAMBDA, dark energy, vacuum energy question"

[5] SOLID HYDROGEN - Warm Dense Matter (WDM) = solid hydrogen

[6] Spacetime Structure – Micro Lensing Reveal the Quantum Structure of Spacetime, A LAMBDA, dark energy, vacuum energy question

[7] Recipes: How to make particles

The present big bang theory is available at Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) marks the boundary between the established and the speculative in big bang cosmology. It does not include the NEW experimental evidence that has been obtained from liquid hydrogen, solid hydrogen and quark gluon liquid, and free neutrons (life and decay).


Here is a paper that tries to incorporate quark gluon liquid into the big bang. I am sure that this is the first paper of many more to come. Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions and the QCD Matter Phase Diagram Authors: Reinhard Stock (Physics Department, University of Frankfurt) (Submitted on 10 Jul 2008) This primordial matter, prior to hadronization, should be deconfined in its QCD sector, forming a plasma (i.e. color conducting) state of quarks and gluons: the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP).


I have not found the answer but I’m still looking. 1