Ardanuy Engineering Lted..
Engineering and Consultancy Company specialized in Railways, Urban Transportation, Industry and Energy.
Ardanuy Enginyeria s.l. is a consultancy company of Railway and Installation Engineering. The company was constituted in December of 1992 and is made up of engineers with wide experience not only in public works but in railways, metro, industry and communications as well.
Ardanuy Ingeniería s.l. works basically specialized in installations of five areas:
In the first four areas the company offers the realisation of studies, projects and direction of works, either of the complete group of all the installations, or of a part of them, dependending on the needs of the customer.
In the area of electrical engineering the company carries out basic projects and in detail, either of High Voltage or of Low Voltage.
In the field of the Railways and Urban Transport, Ardanuy Ingeniería is specialised in Railway Signalling, Communications, Remote Traffic Control Systems (C.T.C.), Installations Remote Control, Catenary, Power Substations, High Voltage Lines, Low Voltage and Communications Services for stations and Trains.
Ardanuy Ingeniería s.l. has worked in many projects of Railway Signalling, Remote Control, Electrification (Catenary and Power Substations), Services of Low Voltage, etc. not only for RENFE (Spanish National Railways) in high speed lines (220 km/h) and conventional lines (120-160 km/h), but for Metro de Madrid, Metro de Barcelona, Metro de Bilbao, Metro de Valencia, Eusko Trenbideak (Basque Railways), Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalonian Railways), Empresa de Ferrocariles de Estado de Chile (Company of Railways of the state of Chile) (EFE), as well.
In this area the company offers services of technical assistance to other engineering companies as: OVE ARUP, SENER, PROSER, IBERINSA, INTECSA, IDOM, GPO, SGS-CIAT, COTAS International, etc. or to the final customers: railways and public administrations.
Also, Ardanuy Ingeniería s.l. carries out technical specifications, basic projects and projects for Funiculars, Cable Cars, Tramways, Automated People Movers, etc. In this field was carried out a setting up study of the Mini-Metro OTIS in the Metropolitan Area of Madrid, the study of exploitation for the line 5 of Metro de Valencia, Technical Advice in the competition of Signalling, Communications and C.T.C. of the Metro de Valencia and the project of Renovation of the Funicular of Vallvidrera.
Freeways, Highways and Tunnels.
In infrastructures of Freeways, Highways and Tunnels, the company offers the composition of complete projects of installations services: deviations of electrical services and of communications, illumination (outdoor, indoor and emergency); ventilation; pump stations; fire protection systems; signalling; communications; S.O.S posts.; low voltage; substations; remote control; huts of control and control.
If the project is developed in an urban environment the company also carries out projects of traffic-lights.
In this sector the company worked associated with companies of the civil engineering field: AEPO, PROSER, etc., not only in studies and projects, but in control and supercision of works as well.
In the field of the construction Ardanuy Ingeniería s.l. makes the projects of all the conventional installation services: low voltage, water, H.W.A.C, gas, fire protection, ventilation, telephony, TV, etc.
Examples of this type are the projects of the Workshops, Depots and Offices of the Triangulo Ferroviario of Barcelona Metro, the building of the New Library of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Navarre, several buildings of housings, workshops, etc. As far as communications is concerned, the projects of setting up base stations for mobile digital telephony GSM for AIRTEL. (Airtouch)
Purifying and Hydraulic Works.
In projects of purifying and hydraulic works Ardanuy Ingeniería s.l. carries out the part of the project corresponding to the electrical services and control: pump stations, substations, control panels, protection, alternators, remote control, turbines, HV services, etc.
Finally, Ardanuy Ingeniería also makes projects of electrical engineering of High Voltage, either of basic level or in detail: Electric Substations, Distribution Centres, Transformation Plants, having been developed diverse projects to 3, 6, 20, 30, 45, 66 kV.
Also, the company is prepared in order to work in the environment of the Thermal, Wind and Solar power stations.
In Low Voltage the company carries out projects for industrial services and construction: commercial centres, sport centres, gas stations, bus stations, buildings of housings, industrial buildings, centres of leisure, etc.
In all, Ardanuy Ingeniería s.l. is especially prepared and has the human, appropriate computer and technical resources, in order to take part in big projects whose final customer is the public administrations or very big companies.
In the attached documents is shown a detailed schedule of the activities, human resources, material means and the list of references of the works carried out.
Josep-Maria Ribes
General Manager
Studies, Projects, Control and and Technical Advice of all the services either for railways, like for underground and trams:
Railway Instalations:
Supervision of production works of New Trains:
Technical Conditions Specifications and Basic Projects of:
Studies, Projects, Control and Supervision of Works and Technical Advice of all the services:
In the urban environment:
Studies, Projects, Control and Supervision of Works and Technical Advice of all the services:
Studies, Projects, Control and Supervision of Works and Technical Advice of:
Studies, Projects, Control and Supervision of Works and Technical Advice of:
High Voltage:
Industrial installation services and construction:
Year | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 |
Incomes (Thounts of US$) | 180 | 500 | 442 | 660 |
Type of Installation | Railways | Classic in Railways | Clasic | Other studies |
Percentage | 76 % | 15 % | 8 % | 1 % |
Job | Studies | Basic Projects | Projects | Works Direction |
Percentage | 5 % | 3 % | 68 % | 24 % |
"Traction Power Substation Study for Fuente de La Higuera - Játiva line of RENFE for 220 km/h speed." Customer: SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A. Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of remodeling Traction Power Substations of La Parrilla, Vallada and Játiva in the Fuente de La Higuera - Játiva line of RENFE for speed of 220 km/h." Customer: SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A. Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of Berreteagas Traction Power Substation in the Txorierri Line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Irún Traction Power Substation in the Donostia - Hendaia Line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak S.A.
"Project of Amorebieta Traction Power Substation." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Olabeaga Traction Power Substation in RENFE line." Customer: Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Transportes y Medio Ambiente.
"Technical Assistance to the Construction Works Direction Berreteagas Power Substation." Customer: Eusko Jaurlaritza / Gobierno Vasco.
"Technical Assistance to the Construction Works Direction Zumalakarregi Power Substation." Customer: Eusko Jaurlaritza / Gobierno Vasco CATENARY.
"Project of Catenary of the Fuente de La Higuera - Játiva line of RENFE for speeds of 220 km/h." Customer: SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A. Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of Catenary of the variant of Chinchilla of RENFE for speeds of 220 km/h." Customer: PROJECTS y SERVICIOS S.A. (PROSER) Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of Catenary of the variant of Villar de Chinchilla of RENFE for speeds of 220 km/h." Customer: PROJECTS y SERVICIOS S.A. (PROSER) Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of Catenary of the variant of Socuellamos of RENFE for speeds of 220 km/h." Customer: PROYECTOS y SERVICIOS S.A. (PROSER) Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of Catenary of the line 5 of Suburban of València between Avinguda-Nuevo Cauce." Customer: IBERINSA Finish customer: Generalitat Valenciana
"Project of Catenary in the new variant Sant Boi - Sant Vicenç of Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya." Customer: G.P.O. Finish customer: Generalitat de Catalunya.
"Project of Catenary between Albacete - La Encina for 220 km/h speed (30 Km)." Customer: SENER Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of Catenary between Alcázar de San Juan - Campo de Criptana - Río Záncara for 220 km/h speed (km. 150 to 162)." Customer: INFRAES. Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of Catenary between Campo de Criptana - Río Záncara - Socuéllamos for 220 km/h speed (Km. 162 to 182)." Customer: IBERINSA Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of new CR-220 catenary type between Albacete - Chinchilla." Customer: PROSER Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of Catenary of Puerto Seco in Madrid." Customer: SENER Finish customer: Puertos del Estado.
"Project of Catenary between León - La Robla." Customer: BB & J Consult Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A. RAILWAY
"Project of Railway Signalling and Remote Control (C.T.C.) of Suburban of Bilbao line 1." Customer: SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas, F.C. Metropolità de Barcelona. Finish customer: Consorcio de Transportes de Bizkaia.
"Project of Power Remote Control of Suburban of Bilbao line 1." Customer: SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas, F.C. Metropolità de Barcelona. Finish customer: Consorcio de Transportes de Bizkaia.
"Project of Interlockings, Blocks and C.T.C. in the Amorebieta-Bermeo line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Interlockings, Blocks and C.T.C. in the Txorierri line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Interlockings, Blocks and C.T.C. between Bidarte - Casco Viejo." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Interlockings, Blocks and C.T.C. of Derio station." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Interlockings, Blocks and C.T.C. between Lezama La Cruz - Lezama Pueblo." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Railway Signalling, Comunications and C.T.C. of Fuente de La Higuera - Játiva line of RENFE for 220 km/h speed." Customer: SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A. Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A. "Project of Interlockings and Blocks of University station in the Bilbao - Donostia line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Interlockings and Blocks of Zumaia station in the Bilbao - Donostia line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Railway Signalling, Comunications and C.T.C. in the variant of Chinchilla of RENFE at 220 km/h speed." Customer: PROYECTOS y SERVICIOS S.A. (PROSER) Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of Railway Signalling, Comunications and C.T.C. in the variant of Villar de Chinchilla of RENFE at 220 km/h speed." Customer: PROYECTOS y SERVICIOS S.A. (PROSER) Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of Railway Signalling, Comunications and C.T.C. in the variant of Socuéllamos of RENFE at 220 km/h speed." Customer: PROYECTOS y SERVICIOS S.A. (PROSER) Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Analysis of the tenders for realization the signalling installations in the line 3, the global net of comuications and the central office of the Suburban of València." Customer: SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A. Finish customer: Generalitat Valenciana.
"Project of of Railway Signalling, Comunications and C.T.C. of Avinguda-Nuevo Cauce in the Suburban of Valencia line 5." Customer: IBERINSA Finish customer: Generalitat Valenciana.
"Project of Interlockings, Blocks and C.T.C. in the Bilbao-Durango line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Railway Signalling and Comunications in the new variant Sant Boi - Sant Vicenç of Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya." Customer: G.P.O. Ingeniería S.A. Finish customer: Generalitat de Catalunya.
"Project of Remote Control of Power Line Switches of Catenary in the Donostia - Hendaia line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Railway Signalling and Comunication Installations in the Vilanova i la Geltrú station and Automatic Block System between St. Vicenç de Calders - Sitges of RENFE." Customer: Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Transportes y Medio Ambiente.
"Project of Interlockings, Blocks, C.T.C. and Comunications between Eibar - Elgoibar in the Bilbao-Donostia line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Interlockings, Blocks, C.T.C. and Comunications between Zumaia - Amara in the Bilbao-Donostia line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of introduction the Movil Digital Thelephone Base Stations." Customer: SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A. Finish customer: Airtel.
"Technical Advise to the C.T.C. Projects Talca - Cabrero with some interlockings." Customer: S.G.S. - CIAT Finish customer: Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado de Chile.
"Direction of the Installation Works of the Interlockings, ATP and ATO fixed equipment in the Suburban of Barcelona line 5 and the Interlockings, ATP, ATO and CTC fixed equipment in the Suburban of Barcelona line 2." Customer: S.G.S. - CIAT Finish customer: Gestió d'Infraestructures S.A. (GISA).
"Technical Assistance to the Construction Works Direction of the Railway Signaling and CTC in the Amorebieta - Bermeo and Lemoa - Durango lines of Eusko Trenbideak." Customer: Eusko Jaurlaritza / Gobierno Vasco.
"Project of Railway Signalling and Comunication Installations between León - La Robla of RENFE." Customer: BB & J Consult Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of Railway Signalling and Comunication Installations in Puerto Seco in Madrid." Customer: SENER Finish customer: Puertos del Estado
"Project of Railaway Signalling and Comunication Installations between Alcázar de San Juan - Campo de Criptana - Río Záncara (kilometer 150 to 162)." Customer: INFRAES Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of Railaway Signalling and Comunication Installations between Campo de Criptana - Río Záncara - Socuéllamos (kilometer 162 to 182)." Customer: IBERINSA Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of Medium Voltage Line (3.000 V) for Railway Signalling in the Bidarte - Lezama line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Medium Voltage Line (3.000 V) for Railway Signalling in the Bilbao - Durango line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Medium Voltage Line (3.000 V) for Railway Signalling in the Amorebieta - Bermeo line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Medium Voltage Line (20 kV) between Avinguda - Nuevo Cauce in 5 line of Suburban of Valencia." Customer: IBERINSA. Finish customer: F.G.V., Generalitat Valenciana.
"Project of Medium Voltage Line (3.000 V) for Railway Signalling in the Zumaia - Amara line." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of Low Voltage Electric installations and Communications of the stations between Avinguda-Nuevo Cauce for line number 5 of Suburban of València." Customer: IBERINSA Finish customer: Generalitat Valenciana.
"Project of Low Voltage Electric installations and Communications of the Paral.lel station for line number 2 of Suburban of Barcelona." Customer: PROSER Finish customer: Generalitat de Catalunya.
"Project of Low Voltage Electric installations and Communications of the Molí Nou and Santa Coloma stations of Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya." Customer: G.P.O. Finish customer: Generalitat de Catalunya.
"Project of Low Voltage Electric installations of Triangulo Ferroviario Workshops of Suburban of Barcelona." Customer: SENER Finish customer: Generalitat de Catalunya.
"Project of Low Voltage Electric installations and Illuminations in the stations of line number 9 of Suburban of Madrid between Pavones - Vicálvaro." Customer: INTECSA Finish customer: Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid.
"Project of Low Voltage Electric installations and Illuminations in the stations of line number 7 of Suburban of Madrid between Antonio Machado - Arroyo del Fresno." Customer: INTECSA Finish customer: Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid.
"Project of Low Voltage Electric installations and Illuminations in the stations of line number 4 of Suburban of Madrid between Canillas - Mar de Cristal." Customer: INTECSA Finish customer: Dragados y Construcciones.
"Project of Low Voltage Electric installations and Communications of new offices building." Customer: Consorcio de Aguas de Asturias.
"Projects of deflections in Electric, telephonic and telegraphic installations of the Motorway fron Levante to Francia by Aragón, between Almudevar - Huesca." Customer: AEPO, S.A. Ingenieros Consultores Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of the installations services of water, air conditioning, heating, fire protection, ventilation, compressed air, suction, ... in the Triangulo Ferroviario Workshops of Suburban of Barcelona." Customer: SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A. Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Project of the installations services of water, air conditioning, heating, fire protection, intrusive protection, etc., of the new Library Building of the Universidad de Navarra." Customer: IDOM Finish customer: Universidad de Navarra.
"Project of type construction for railway signalling installations." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
"Project of relay cabin for Signalling of RENFE." Customer: SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A. Finish customer: M.O.P.T.M.A.
"Plan of introduction the OTIS SHUTTLE System in Madrid." Customer: Zardoya - OTIS.
"Plan of Exploitation the Suburban of Valencia line 5 between Avinguda - Nuevo Cauce." Customer: IBERINSA. Finish customer: F.G.V., Generalitat Valenciana.
"Project of Renovation and Automatization of Vallvidrera Funicular (Barcelona)." Customer: Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC).
"Plan of feasible Renovation and Automatization of La Reineta Funicular (Trápaga - Vizcaya)." Customer: Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos.
SECURITY PLANS. "Works Security Plan in the Project of Normalization the Signalling between Ferrol - Ortigueira of FEVE." Customer: Electrosistemas Bach.
"Project of Electric Installations in a Buses Maintenance Workshop". Customer: Transportes Discrecionales de Autocares S.A. (TRADA, S.A.).
"Project of Fire Protection and legalization a Buses Maintenance Workshop". Customer: Transportes Discrecionales de Autocares S.A. (TRADA, S.A.).
"Project of Fire Protection and legalization an industrial pastry store". Customer: DULMAPAS, S.L.
"Project of Electric Installation in a 24 housing Building in Madrid". Customer: Construcciones ULNOR.
"Project of Implantation a Plastic Factory". Customer: Manufacturas C & P.
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