Alan Schenkel's Home Page

Alan's Home Page

A family page, started in 10/2/96. Most recent pictures can be found here:

Tribute to the World Trade Center

Starring in almost chronological order: Kieran:


Jamie and Kieran.

Summer 2001. Updated 10/29/01

Tribute to the World Trade Center 9/20/01
More pictures (lots of pictures so be patient!):

December 2000-January 2001. Updated 2/3/01

October and November 2000. Updated 12/16/00

July-October (plus some spring) 2000. Updated 10/15/00

: May -Early July 2000 (UPDATED July 16, 2000)

: March -April 2000 (UPDATED April 23, 2000)

: January 2000-March 2000 (UPDATED April 9, 2000)

Kieran PICTURES: December 1999-January 2000

MORE PICTURES: May-June 1999

May-June 1999

From January to April 1999

From December, 1998-Early January 1999

More pictures soon...

PERSONAL INFO: I am a postdoctoral fellow working at Weill Medical College at Cornell University in Manhattan. I study white blood cells (Leukocytes) and how they travel around the body and attack. My email address has changed:WORK
and HOME
. More info to follow soon (as of 11/23/98)

Links to other sites on the Web

My Locollection page, a site for the rambling railfans like myself

Jamie's Web page about Quilts!

© 1996-2004