Many Windows 98 computers do their work connected to networks, and most installed networks use a version of Novell NetWare (called InternetWare in some versions, although this chapter uses the generic NetWare name). Windows 98 includes software that lets it act as a client to NetWare servers, enabling users to easily and seamlessly access shared resources, such as files and printers, on NetWare servers.
In this chapter, you learn about Windows 98 NetWare support: how it works, how to install it, and how to make changes that enable Windows 98 to operate more easily with NetWare file and print servers.
The NetWare product line from Novell is one of the oldest and best established in the networking world. In its latest version, NetWare 4.11, it provides fast, efficient, and stable file and print services to small, medium, and large networks. NetWare's strengths are the following:
Although Windows NT has been installed in place of some NetWare file servers, NetWare still owns most of the installed file and print server market and continues to be an excellent choice for most organizations.
For Windows 98 to connect to any network server, a number of components must be installed:
Windows 98 can connect to NetWare networks that use NetWare 2.15, 3.x, and 4.x with software included with Windows 98. The networking software is installed through the Network Control Panel and uses the following configurations:
NOTE Novell also supplies client software for Windows 98; it can be obtained from the Novell web site at However, we recommend that you use the software included with Windows 98; our experience has shown it to be more stable and to consume much less memory than the Novell versions, although at the expense of some additional functionality provided by the Novell client software. Using the Microsoft software, you can run all Novell utilities, including NDS-based utilities such as NWAdmin.
It is possible to configure Windows 98 to use Novell-supplied real-mode software to connect and work with NetWare networks, but it is not advisable. Such configurations, using Novell's ODI drivers or VLM drivers, are far more complex and are easily outperformed by the 32-bit protected-mode drivers from Microsoft or from Novell. Unless you're running applications that rely on features in those drivers (which isn't terribly likely), you're better off avoiding them.
The Microsoft-supplied client software for connecting to NetWare networks is a fast, stable, small implementation that achieves excellent performance and is very reliable and simple to set up and use. Some benefits to using Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks follow.
In some instances you may want to choose a different client, such as Novell's version for the following reasons::
You install all network-specific software under Windows 98 using the Network Control Panel object, shown already configured in Figure 24.1. You can use this dialog box to select the appropriate client, network protocol, NIC support, and needed networking services.
To add support for NetWare networks, follow these steps. (Make sure to have your Windows 98 CD-ROM or other installation media available.)
Figure 24.1 Network Control Panel already configured for NetWare support.
Figure 24.2 Select Network Component Type dialog box.
Figure 24.3 Select Network Client dialog box.
Figure 24.4 The Select Network Service dialog box.
After installing the necessary components, you then should configure them before
restarting the computer and connecting to the network. From the Configuration tab
of the Network Control Panel, select the Client for NetWare Networks and access its
Properties dialog box, shown in Figure 24.5. Define both the preferred logon server
as well as the first drive letter available for network mapping on the client (usually
F: drive). Also, if you want the client computer to process NetWare logon scripts,
make sure the logon script check box is selected.
Figure 24.5 Configuring
the Client for NetWare Networks.
If you are using the Service for NetWare Directory Services, open its Properties
dialog box, shown in Figure 24.6. Make sure to set the preferred tree and workstation
context in the provided fields.
Figure 24.6 Configuring
Service for NetWare Directory Services.
Finally, on the Configuration tab of the Network Control Panel, select the desired
Primary Network Logon. This option does not have to be set to Client
for NetWare Networks if you instead want to primarily log on to another network,
but if you are connected only to a NetWare network, then you should choose that setting.
You can now click the OK button to save the Network Control Panel changes. You may be prompted for your Windows 98 CD-ROM at this point, and you will need to restart the computer for the new networking software to be functional.
Windows 98 can store and access long filenames stored on NetWare 3.x and 4.x volumes, provided the appropriate name space is loaded and enabled for the NetWare volume. On NetWare 3.x (up to 3.11) servers, this name space is the OS/2 name space, loaded as OS2.NAM on the NetWare server. For NetWare 3.12 and above servers (including 4.x), this name space was renamed to LONGNAME.NAM, which provides the same services.
To add long filename support to a NetWare volume, you use the file server console, and one of the following commands:
where volume_name is the name of the volume to which you are adding support. Adding a new name space to a NetWare volume requires some consideration, and you should consult your NetWare documentation for full details. However, pay attention to the increased memory requirements on servers supporting additional name spaces. Also, you should add name spaces only when the server is idle, and you should plan on rebooting the server after the name space is added to the volume (you can do all volumes at one time and then reboot once). Note that rebooting the server is not strictly required under NetWare for this operation, but doing so may avoid problems.
Before rebooting the server, you should add the command LOAD OS2.NAM or LOAD LONGNAME.NAM to the system's STARTUP.NCF file. However, NetWare is intelligent enough to automatically load the appropriate support files when it mounts volumes that contain added name spaces, so this step isn't strictly required; it's just good practice to manually add the appropriate entry.
Long filename support changed somewhat as it evolved in NetWare 3.x and 4.x versions, and Windows 98 can be set to support these different long filename versions. By default, Windows 98 includes the appropriate command in the Registry to enable long filename support on all NetWare volumes that include it. However, you should know where this is accomplished. The Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\Nwredir should contain a binary value named SupportLFN with its value set to 0x02. Other possible values are 0x00, which disables support for long filenames, and 0x01, which supports long filenames only on NetWare 3.12 and greater servers (those using LONGNAME.NAM rather than OS2.NAM). The value 0x02 supports long filenames on all NetWare servers that support the OS/2 or LONGFILE name spaces.
You can also enforce the long filename setting in the Registry through a System Policy setting. You can use the Policy Editor (with WINDOWS.ADM as an applied template) to open a Computer Policy and navigate to the policy setting Windows 98 Network/Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks/Support Long Filenames. Set the value to either All NetWare Servers That Support LFNs or NetWare 3.12 and Above (corresponding to values 0x02 and 0x01 for the SupportLFN Registry setting, respectively).
As you have seen, setting up and configuring client support for NetWare networks is relatively straightforward and painless. However, some common problems do occur, and a little preparation can help you rapidly overcome these issues.
This condition indicates that either the Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks wasn't selected in the Network Control Panel (double-check this setting) or that something is making the network unavailable, which causes Windows to fall back and use the Windows logon screen. The following are possible causes:
Standard troubleshooting techniques are required here; the basic problem is that the workstation is unable to communicate with the file server. You should first examine other workstations to see whether they are experiencing similar problems. Then, examine the network cabling and the network hubs (for 10BASE-T) for reported problems. Make sure to look at Device Manager in the System Control Panel to ensure that the NIC is functioning normally. Finally, check all of the components required for NetWare connectivity to ensure that they are present and configured properly. You may have to remove and re-install NetWare support if a key file has become damaged.
Another possible cause of this problem is an incorrect frame type setting. NetWare networks using ethernet can use any of several frame types, including 802.2, 802.3, and Ethernet II. Open the Network Control Panel and access the properties for the IPX/SPX Compatible Protocol. Move to the Advanced tab and check the Frame Type setting, which is normally set to Auto. Try setting it to the known frame type being used on the NetWare servers.
If you are able to log into your preferred server, but not to other servers, the cause of the problem is probably unsynchronized passwords on each server. The Client for NetWare Networks uses a single set of credentials that you type when you log in. Use the Novell SETPASS command to ensure that your passwords on all desired servers are synchronized.
Another possible reason for the logon to be rejected is that the account has been locked out from the server for some reason. Often, this situation is due to an Intruder Lockout, which occurs when an incorrect password is provided too many times to attempt to log in to the server. Work with the Network Administrator to clear the lockout and resolve the incorrect password problem.
Another possible cause is that the NDS tree or context is set incorrectly. Open the properties for Service for NetWare Directory Services and check these two settings. If necessary, compare them with another client computer that is known to be working.
This usual cause of this problem is that the appropriate check box is not selected in the Client for NetWare Networks properties dialog box. Make sure that the Enable Logon Script Processing check box is enabled.
In this chapter, you learned how to set up Windows 98 with its included software for accessing NetWare networks with servers running from NetWare 2.15 to the most current version of NetWare. You learned about the software needed to access NetWare resources and about installing and configuring long filename support, both for the Windows 98 client and for the NetWare server.
Use the information in this chapter with the other chapters that discuss Windows 98 networking:
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