Platinum Edition Using Windows 98


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Using Windows 98 to Play Games and Watch TV

by Michael Desmond

Windows and Arcade-Style Games

Windows 98 helps turn PCs into true entertainment centers. Windows 98 supports games, professional-quality video playback, and TV broadcasts. This chapter introduces you to some of Windows 98's most advanced and intriguing capabilities.

Gaming is big business, and Microsoft knows it. But until very recently, the majority of games were developed to play directly on DOS, inviting a raft of compatibility and resource problems for those who played them. Windows 98 includes a set of refined technologies and features designed to lure both game developers and game players to the new operating system.

What Is DirectX?

At the core of this effort is a set of technologies called DirectX. This set of device drivers, programming APIs, and Windows 98 components enables Windows 98 to handle a broad range of gaming applications, from rapid-fire screen updates to responsive and reliable input device operation. For users, the benefits are immediate. Games can be installed and played more reliably, and they can take advantage of accelerating hardware like 3D graphics cards and sound boards. What's more, they can even run side-by-side with mundane applications like spreadsheets and word processors.

DirectX includes the following components:

All of these provide a series of common interfaces to the hardware on your PC. Game makers write code to the appropriate DirectX components and then move on to making their games work well. Windows 98 and the DirectX components then handle the task of making things happen behind the scenes. The result: Vastly improved compatibility with all types of hardware.

NOTE: Older DOS and Windows games not written for DirectX will still run fine on your DirectX-equipped PC, they'll just lack access to performance-enhancing shortcuts and acceleration. Games that use an older version of DirectX, such as DirectX 2.0 or 3.0, will enjoy some performance benefits but might not be capable of taking full advantage of all the available features.

Performance Issues

Just as important, DirectX enables much improved performance under Windows 98. One reason game makers wrote software for DOS was because the simple operating system--with its direct access to hardware devices--allowed developers to squeeze every ounce of performance out of systems. Windows 98, by contrast, uses thick layers of code to ensure compatibility, which produces the predictable result of slowed performance.

DirectX provides a shortcut for developers. While Microsoft still foists strict standards to maintain compatibility, DirectX lets developers send commands directly to graphics hardware, audio components, and other areas of the PC. The streamlined approach results in higher frame rates and more responsive play, as illustrated in Figure 25.1

In addition, the common set of gaming functions means that chip makers can design hardware to accelerate DirectX-based games. For example, games that use Direct3D to create 3D graphics can gain a performance benefit from a wide range of Direct3D-aware graphics cards. These cards take the performance burden off the CPU, allowing other areas of the game to become more responsive.

FIG. 25.1 Fast-action 3D games such as Quake 2 were impossible to create under Windows until DirectX APIs provided a standard way for developers to get top performance for demanding titles and games.

When it comes to hard-core 3D game playing, nothing can replace a fast CPU. In fact, the best 3D boards, such as Diamond's Voodoo2 based on the 3Dfx Voodoo2 chip, are constrained mainly by the CPU. The reason: 3D graphics boards generally handle display operations, such as drawing textures and triangles, juggling lighting, and other effects. But before this happens, the CPU must do what is called geometry and setup. During that step, the system decides where all the triangles will go and how they will interact. If the CPU is slow in performing the setup operations, the graphics card must wait before it can draw the completed scene.

While the latest version of Direct3D can help move things along, you'll be much happier with a fast CPU. If you are buying a new system, make sure your CPU offers excellent floating point performance, which is critical to the complex mathematics involved in geometry processing. The Pentium II is the best x86 CPU in this regard, offering higher raw clock rates than any competing processor.

Finally, new versions of DirectX constantly extend and improve the features available to Windows-based games. DirectX 5 introduced AGP texturing, a feature that lets games use the large amount of system RAM for storing textures. AGP-enhanced games can deliver much greater visual realism when paired with compatible 3D graphics cards that plug into an AGP expansion slot. DirectX 5 ships as part of Windows 98.

Coming soon is DirectX 6, which continues to enhance 3D graphics quality and introduces DirectMusic. DirectMusic enables systems to play compelling music scores both for the web and for CD-ROM-based titles, and it eliminates delays and slowdowns that occur when playing MIDI scores while the system is busy.

Installing DirectX

How can you tell if DirectX is installed on your PC? Actually, Windows 98 comes with the full suite of DirectX software already installed. However, Microsoft is constantly updating the DirectX set, so you might need to install a new version down the road. You can get DirectX updates in either of two ways:

If an updated DirectX version comes with a game or some other software product you're installing, you will be prompted to install the new version during the process. If you download the files from Microsoft, however, you will need to launch the installation manually. The following steps outline the easiest way to do this:

1. Find the file DXSETUP.EXE in the directory where you originally downloaded the file.

2. Launch DXSETUP.EXE and follow the instructions that appear onscreen.

3. Restart your system after the installation routine is complete.

CAUTION: When DirectX installs, it examines your graphics card drivers to see if the drivers have been registered with Microsoft as approved DirectX drivers. In some cases, the installation might prompt you to overwrite the existing drivers with the generic DirectX drivers that are included with the update. In some cases, this can fix compatibility problems caused by incompatible drivers; in other instances, however, it can disable key features of your graphics card. If you recently downloaded graphics card drivers and are happy with their performance, click the No button when the prompt appears. You can always install the approved DirectX drivers later if you run into problems.

Configuring Joysticks and Other Game Controllers

Setting up joysticks was no picnic with DOS-based games. Most games supported only a few models, and calibration and setup usually had to happen outside the game itself. So if you noticed problems with response, you had to quit the game, enter a setup program, and restart the game--potentially a long process.

Windows 98 provides a standard applet interface for setting up joysticks and other devices. If you need to change controller settings, the game calls up the applet, which does all the real work. Best of all, you never have to close the game itself--it can stay active in the background (paused, of course) while you update your hardware settings.

Installing a Joystick or Game Controller

To setup a new game controller under Windows 98, do the following:

1. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, and select the Game Controllers icon.

2. On the General tab of the Game Controllers dialog box, click the Add button.

3. Select the specific device type in the Game Controllers list box and click OK (see Figure 25.2).

FIG. 25.2 The Add Game Controller list includes support for popular joysticks, game pads, throttles, and steering wheels.

4. If your device is not listed, click the Add Other button.

5. In the resulting dialog box, click the Have Disk button to install new device drivers. The new device should then be listed on the General tab, with an entry of OK in the Status column.

6. The new device is now installed. Click OK to finish the installation.

TIP: If you have an older or unsupported joystick, don't despair. Windows 98 keeps a database of generic joystick types (defined by the number of buttons and other controls) from which you can select. In addition, most joysticks support emulation modes matching that of popular products from CH and Thrustmaster. Find out your joystick's preferred emulation, and then load the matching controller model. You should enjoy better performance.

Configuring a Joystick or Game Controller

To change the settings of an installed game controller, do the following:

1. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, and select the Game Controllers icon.

2. On the General tab of the Game Controllers dialog box, select the device you want to adjust in the Game Controllers list. Then click Properties.

3. In the Test sheet, shown in Figure 25.3, a graphic depiction of the device provides a visual response when you push buttons or other controls. This lets you determine whether all the controls are working normally.

FIG. 25.3 The Test sheet lets you get familiar with your game input device's controls and make sure they are all working properly.

4. Click the Settings tab to see if all features are enabled. Click the appropriate check boxes next to identified features to enable or disable the specific controls.

5. Click the OK button to put your changes into effect.

NOTE: Until about a year ago, almost all joysticks used analog signals to communicate position to the PC. The problem with these "dumb" joysticks is that the CPU must constantly check the game port to see what the joystick is reporting--even if nothing has changed. Game makers say this can sap 15 to 20 percent of your CPU's time, which is a major drag when fast frame rates spell the difference between success and defeat. New digital joysticks from Microsoft, Logitech, CH, and others are able to send updates directly to the CPU, freeing your system to perform other tasks and improving the precision and responsiveness of the device. If you are on the market for a new stick, consider a digital model.

The combination of DirectX and Windows 98's support for USB is ushering in a new class of joysticks, which use force feedback technology. These products actually include a small motor in the joystick base to create resistance, movement, and recoil based on events in your game. Microsoft's Flight Simulator 98, for example, sends DirectX data that tells force feedback joysticks to produce a rumbling vibration when your plane is accelerating down the runway. In addition, turbulence might cause the stick to move around, and high-G turns cause the stick to strain against your efforts to pull it back.

While some force feedback joysticks use the standard game port found on virtually all sound cards, the all-digital connection of USB provides better reliability and performance. It is also easier to plug and unplug joysticks by using the USB port, even during gameplay. The drawback to these products? The mechanics inside the stick add to the cost, causing force feedback products to sell for well over $100.

Using the WebTV

The WebTV software turns a properly equipped PC into a functioning television set. This feature allows you to view TV programming side-by-side with your applications, as well as to browse TV listings and capture video and images. You must have a TV tuner card installed in your PC to pick up broadcasts, and an Internet connection is useful for downloading the latest TV listings and schedules. You can find up-to-date listings at Starsight's web site, located at

To install the WebTV software, do the following:

1. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, and select the Add/Remove Software icon.

2. Click the Windows Setup tab. Wait a moment while Setup searches for installed components.

3. In the Components box, scroll down to the WebTV item and click the box to the left to put a check mark in the box.

4. Click OK.

5. If the Windows 98 CD-ROM is not already in the drive, insert it when prompted. You will have to restart your system once or twice for all the changes to take effect.

When the software is installed, a small television icon appears on the taskbar in the group next to the Start button.

To watch a program, launch the WebTV application and go to the channel you want to watch. There are two ways to launch WebTV:

Using the Program Guide

When you launch WebTV, you first see the Program Guide, which displays the available channels in the main window. Use the scrollbar on the right side to browse through the channels, or use the scrollbar across the bottom to see what is on at different times during the day. A timeline across the top of the window shows the time of day for the programs being displayed.

TIP: If your PC includes a separate TV tuner board, it's quite likely that the board vendor offers its own viewing application with the hardware. You should make a point to use both the WebTV applet and the bundled TV software with the board to see which you prefer.

Just above the display window, you can set the Program Guide to display programming for a specific date, time of day, or subset of channels, as shown in Figure 25.4. Clicking these reduces the amount of data displayed in the window and makes it easier for you to find the program you want.

FIG. 25.4 The Program Guide can overwhelm you with choices, but you can use one of the useful filters to pare things down to your viewing schedule.

In addition, you can search for specific programming by clicking the Search tab at the top of the Program Guide window. A list of programming categories appears along the left side, and the window in the center displays the results of your searches. You can click one of the categories to see all the programs that fit that definition, or you can enter text into the Search box in the lower-left corner to look for a specific word or description. Just enter the text and click the Search button at the bottom to see the results in the main window.

You can further winnow your searches by using the pick list controls at the top of the screen (see Figure 25.5). The leftmost control lets you filter by days or by those programs that are broadcast at the moment. The rightmost control lets you sort the resulting search by time or by title.

FIG. 25.5 The useful Search screen lets you hunt for programs by category, text string, or time of day.

To view a program, select it from the results window. If the program is on, the WebTV application tunes to the appropriate channel and displays it.

Changing Channels

WebTV gives you several ways to select a channel to view. For most, you must access the TV Toolbar, which runs across the top of the WebTV screen. To invoke the TV Toolbar, shown in Figure 25.6, press F10 or the Alt key. To change the channel, do one of the following:

FIG. 25.6 The TV Toolbar makes it easy to change channels, adjust settings, and add or remove custom channels.

Full-Screen or Window?

By default, WebTV launches in full-screen mode, meaning you cannot see your other programs while watching TV. Of course, you can adjust WebTV so that it takes up only part of the screen by doing the following:

1. Press F10 or Alt to invoke the TV Toolbar.

2. Click the small double-box icon that appears in the upper-right corner of the TV Toolbar. (Be sure not to click the X icon; that closes WebTV!)

3. The WebTV screen shrinks so it takes up only a portion of the screen.

4. To resize the window, first position the pointer over a corner of the window so that it turns into a double arrow. Then click and drag the window border to the desired shape and size. Repeat on the other corner if necessary.

Other TV Options

WebTV mates some of the best features of the PC with its broadcast capabilities. For example, if a broadcaster provides data signals embedded in the broadcast, you can display running text, graphics, and other information alongside the program. A football broadcast, for example, might display the scoring statistics of the team that has just taken the field.

The additional data reaches your PC by way of the video blanking interval (VBI), essentially a segment of the broadcast frequency not used to produce the display. Because the rarely used VBI is part of the standard broadcast specification, it is the equivalent of an unused lane on a freeway. Your PC can be told to monitor the VBI and to interpret appropriate signals coming off it as data.

This technique can do more than just add text display or canned HTML pages to ongoing broadcasts. Broadcasters might team with software vendors and distributors to schedule bulk data broadcasts. Just as you can set your VCR to record that long-awaited episode of ER, you can tell your PC to receive a broadcast download of Internet Explorer 4.0. Because the transfer happens over the airwaves, you don't have to spend hours logged on to the web while a 30MB file creeps over the modem.

You can tell whether a particular broadcast is enhanced by looking at the TV Guide window: WebTV places a blue icon next to the entry. (A red circle icon indicates that the programming is unenhanced.) The icons also appear for programs shown on the TV Toolbar banner. Today, few broadcasters make use of this facility, but some NFL games, as well as NBC's drama Homicide: Life on the Streets have been providing additional content.

By default, WebTV enables the enhanced content. You must turn it off if you want to view only the broadcast. To turn off the enhancements on a broadcast, do the following:

1. Press F10 or Alt to invoke the TV Toolbar.

2. Click the blue icon that appears on the far-right side of the TV Toolbar banner.

3. In the context menu that drops down, the Enhancements item should have a check mark next to it. Click it to remove the check mark. The Enhancements is now disabled.

4. To re-enable this feature, click the blue icon again and click the Enhancements item.

WebTV also supports closed-captioning, in which it displays running text of dialog along the bottom of the screen. You can even have WebTV look for specific words in the text stream--say, "President Clinton"--and have the program perform a particular action, such as turning up the volume for you.

To turn on closed captioning, do the following;

1. Press F10 or Alt to bring up the TV Toolbar.

2. Click the Settings icon.

3. In the Settings dialog box, click the Show Closed Captioning check box. A check should now appear in the box.

4. Click OK.

Using DVD Players with Windows 98

DVD is a major improvement to the multimedia and data storage capabilities of desktop PCs. DVD-ROMs, which look identical to CD-ROM media, can hold up to 17GB of data--more than 30 times that stored on a CD-ROM. In addition, DVD-ROM enables vastly improved audio and visual quality from PC-based digital video (see Figure 25.7).

The numbers can get a bit confusing. DVD-ROM actually specifies a 4.7GB capacity per side, per layer. A two-sided single-layer DVD-ROM can, therefore, hold up to 9.4GB of data. Capacities can go up to 17GB for discs that use two layers of media on each side. In this scheme, the read laser fires at slightly different angles to read each of the two layers, making the untargeted layer transparent to the laser. However, the process of laying two layers forces slightly wider pit placement, which is why a dual-layered side of media holds only 8.5GB as opposed to the 9.4GB you might expect.

FIG. 25.7 High-quality MPEG-2 digital video delivers professional-quality video playback to the PC. In fact, it's the same format used by direct broadcast satellite providers like DirecTV.

Video-enabled DVD-ROM titles generally require two new hardware components to run:

Installing the DVD Components of Windows 98

If your PC has this hardware, Windows 98 allows you to immediately take advantage of their features. In some cases, however, you must manually install the DVD components of the Windows 98 operating system. Follow these steps:

1. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, and select the Add/Remove Software icon.

2. Click the Windows Setup tab. Wait a moment while Windows 98 reviews its configuration.

3. Scroll through the Components list and select the Multimedia entry.

4. Click the Details button to bring up the list of available Multimedia components.

5. Click the box next to DVD Player to place a check mark in the box.

6. Click OK, and then click OK again to have Windows 98 install the software. Insert the Windows 98 CD-ROM if prompted.

7. Restart the PC to put the changes into effect.

You've probably heard a lot also about the coming of recordable DVD formats. Unlike CD-R and CD-RW drives, which let you record full 650MB CD-ROMs, neither DVD-RAM nor DVD+RW can put 4.7GB of data on a single side. DVD-RAM allows for 2.6GB of data, while DVD+RW allows for 3GB. A greater issue with the recordable formats, however, is the lack of installed drives. While a recorded CD can be read by virtually any CD-ROM-equipped PC, systems with a DVD-ROM drive remain few and far between. So while DVD-ROM might be a good choice for playing multimedia titles, DVD recordable drives remain a marginal purchase.

Using the DVD Player Software

In general, most DVD-ROM drive kits come with their own player software, like that shown in Figure 25.8. Likewise, many DVD-ROM-based games and titles play video and audio within the confines of their own interface. In these cases, you don't need to access Windows 98's DVD Player software. In fact, you will generally find that the interface provided with your DVD-ROM drive and kit offer more features than the player included with Windows 98. However, the DVD Player is useful for browsing through DVD-ROMs and playing back selected MPEG video clips.

FIG. 25.8 Creative Labs uses a remote control-like interface to switch tracks, play video, and control playback settings.

The capability to display either letter box or standard TV format video is just one of DVD's useful features. To open the DVD Player, click Start, Programs, Applications, Accessories, Entertainment. Click DVD Player. The player application loads.

The DVD Player applet offers a concise interface for browsing content on DVD-ROMs. A simple VCR metaphor lets you select among available video tracks, offering familiar push buttons you can use to play, advance, pause, and rewind video. A window displays the video track, elapsed time, time remaining, and other information for each track. Users can also access letter-box format, closed-captioning, and subtitling, provided those features are available on the disc. 


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