by Ron Person
Beginners and experts alike occasionally need help operating Windows or one of its applications. The Help system in Windows 98 is new, but you will find it very easy to use. It includes access to help files on your local drive, links to resources on the web, access to Microsoft support engineers, and a Windows Update Manager that keeps your software and drivers current. This chapter also contains a brief description of the WinHelp system used in Windows 95 and earlier Windows applications.
Windows 98 Help uses the new HTML Help engine created by Microsoft. The HTML Help engine displays HTML pages containing help information. With this help engine, Windows 98 can look locally, on your network, or on the Internet for help files or other types of assistance programs. Although HTML Help displays HTML pages, you will not find a large collection of HTML Help files on your system. The HTML Help engine accesses HTML files that have been compressed into one or more files, thereby preserving disk space.
Windows applications existing when Windows 98 was released use the WinHelp system that was available in Windows 95. You'll find a brief description on how to operate help systems based on WinHelp later in this chapter.
You start Windows 98 Help by clicking Start, Help. Figure 4.1 shows the Help window that appears. The help shown uses the HTML Help engine.
FIG. 4.1 Windows 98 Help uses the HTML Help engine to produce clean and simple displays.
NOTE: To start Help from within a Windows application, you can press the F1 key. Windows then displays help information for the active application or window.
The Contents tab, the left pane shown in Figure 4.1, lists Windows 98 help topics by category. The Contents pane of the Help window displays the books and pages with their topic titles. The right pane displays the contents of the page that's selected in the left pane.
Categories in the left pane appear as books. You can open a book to see additional categories or help pages it contains. Figure 4.2 shows the Contents tab with a book expanded to multiple levels and a page selected from the book. To expand or close a book, click in the left pane on the book or its topic title.
FIG. 4.2 Expand books to see their topical contents.
You can change the widths of the panes by dragging the vertical bar between the panes to the left or right. To completely hide the left pane, click the Hide button in the toolbar. While the topic list is hidden, the Hide button is replaced by a Show button. Click the Show button to redisplay the topic list pane.
Some help topics contain hyperlinks to related topics. These hyperlinks appear underlined as you would expect in a web browser. To display a page of related information or a list of related topics, click the hyperlink. To return to the original page, click the Back button located on the toolbar.
If you aren't sure of how to describe the topic on which you need help, use the Index tab. The Index tab, shown in Figure 4.3, enables you to find the help you need by scanning for appropriate words or phrases. The Index tab is visible when the left pane is shown.
Suppose you want to find information on a feature called NetWatcher. As you can see in the figure, you would type the word netwatcher and then click Display. A Topics Found window appears showing all topics containing this key word. Choose one of the topics listed, such as "Using Net Watcher to Monitor Shared Resource Use." In the right pane, the Help system displays how to use NetWatcher to monitor shared resources.
You can search through the list by scrolling or by typing a key word or phrase in the edit box at the top of the list. When you find a word or phrase that seems to be appropriate, click on it.
FIG. 4.3 The Index tab displays phrases describing helpful topics.
In some cases, when you click Display, the Topics Found window appears, showing a list of subcategories that further differentiate your choice. Just choose the topic most related to what you want. Help will appear in the right pane of the Help window.
If you aren't sure what you are looking for, scroll through the index looking for related topics. Choose a related topic, and then check the right pane to see if the topic contains a hyperlink to a more specific topic that fits your needs.
If you are faced with a dialog box or window that contains an item you need help with, look for a question mark (?) button in the upper-right corner of the dialog box or window. Click the question mark button, and then click the item in the dialog box or window about which you want information. A pop-up window like that shown in Figure 4.4 shows you information about the item. When you finish reading the information, click to close the pop-up window.
FIG. 4.4 Pop-up help describes specific items or areas in dialog boxes and window.
If you know a word that describes the topic you need help on, click the Search tab. To find all topics that contain your word, type the word in the text box at the top of the right pane, and then click List Topics. Help displays a list of topics that contain this word, as shown in Figure 4.5.
Multiple topics will probably appear in the Topic list. Click the topic that looks most helpful, and then click Display to see the help information in the right pane.
FIG. 4.5 Save time by using the Search tab to quickly find topics.
If you have a large display area, it's possible and convenient to display the application in which you are working and the Help window side by side. However, if your display area is smaller or if you want to create a written reminder, you might want to print a page of help so you can refer to it as you work.
To print any displayed page, either right-click the topic shown in the Contents pane and choose Print, or click in the right pane and choose Print.
NOTE: Some of the handiest information that you can print or copy from help is an application's shortcut keys. If you didn't get a shortcut keystroke template for your application, look in the application's help contents for a topic similar to Keyboard Shortcuts. Copy these topics by selecting them and pressing Ctrl+C. Then paste (Ctrl+V) them into a word processor, reorganize them, and print them. Alternatively, you can print the topics directly from Help. You can then copy the contents at a reduced size and paste them onto 3-by-5 cards.
Windows 95 and applications designed for Windows 95 use the WinHelp engine to create a Help system that appears slightly different from that of Windows 98's HTML Help. Even if you use Windows 98, you will probably continue to see and use Help based on the WinHelp engine because it is used with Windows 95-compatible applications. Figure 4.6 shows the Windows 95 Help system's Contents tab for Microsoft Word 97. It is similar to the Contents tab in Windows 98 Help. However, Windows 95 Help has only a single pane. The Index and Search tabs function similarly to those in HTML Help, but they also disappear when you select a help selection.
FIG. 4.6 Windows 95-based Help systems appear similar to that of Windows 98, but the tabs and topics disappear and are replaced by specific help contents you choose.
If you compare Figure 4.1 with Figure 4.6, you see that the HTML Help in Figure 4.1 displays the procedural steps or help information in a window to the side of the help topic. Because the Contents or Index list in Windows 98 Help remains open in the left pane, it's easy for you to see the context of a procedure and see related help. However, in Windows 95 Help, the Contents, Index, and Search tabs disappear when a Help window appears.
Another significant difference between the two types of help is that Windows 98 Help is displayed in a browser. Therefore, it runs scripting languages, supports Dynamic HTML, and contains links to Internet and intranet sites. This enables Windows 98 Help to be more active and to link users to current information and downloadable files.
You can annotate your own notes to help topics in Windows 95 Help. You might want to use annotations to describe a topic in greater detail, to document information related to tasks you do, or to add a function-related tip. When a Windows 95 help topic has an annotation, a paper clip icon appears next to it.
To create an annotation, follow these steps:
2. Click the Options button and then choose Annotate. The Annotate dialog box, a small notepad, appears.
3. Type the notes that you want to save regarding this Help topic.
4. Click the Save button.
To read the annotation to a topic, just click the paper clip icon. To remove an annotation, click the paper clip icon and then choose Delete from the Annotate dialog box.
You can create a collection of help topics from Windows 95 Help by copying the help infor-mation and pasting the data into another Windows application such as a word processor document file.
To copy the contents of a Windows 95 Help window, click the Options button, and then click Copy. Then paste the data into another application by using normal Windows paste procedures.
TIP: To copy portions of text in the help screens of Windows 98 or Windows 95 Help windows, drag across the text to select it, and then press Ctrl+C. Paste it into the new location using the paste procedure appropriate to the receiving application.
The web offers a wide range of resources that are available to help you with Windows 98. Windows 98 has built-in links to some of these resources. To display these links, click Start, and choose Programs, Accessories, Welcome to Windows. You will see links to numerous resources, including Microsoft's web site and Microsoft Technical Support.
If you have an Internet browser installed, you can connect to the Windows Support web page shown in Figure 4.7. Click the Support Online hyperlink to display the Microsoft Technical Support page shown in Figure 4.8. From this page, you can search for support or answers by product and by keyword. This page also displays tabs that link you to frequently asked questions, phone numbers, and support options. If you want to go there directly in your browser, enter the following URL for Microsoft's Support page:
FIG. 4.7 Microsoft's Support page contains links to help, tips, and troubleshooting for Microsoft products.
FIG. 4.8 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) often hold the answers to most questions.
Within the Windows Support page, you will find many hyperlinks to helpful resources. Some of the most valuable resources are covered in the other sections of this book.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are lists maintained on bulletin boards or web sites that contain the most frequently asked questions about the site's topic. In most cases involving generic problems, you should look through the FAQ lists on Microsoft's Support page before you do a search through the Knowledge Base. To access Windows FAQs from the Support page, go to the main support page at and click the Frequently Asked Questions link. A page similar to Figure 4.9 appears. Select the product and topic you want, and then click the Find button.
FIG. 4.9 A Frequently Asked Questions list contains answers to the site's most common questions.
Sometimes you try and try only to finally realize that you're not getting closer to solving the computer problem you face. That's when it's time to call in the professionals. For a fee, you can submit a technical problem to Microsoft's technical support engineers. To do this, go to the Microsoft Support web page and click the Phone Numbers and Support options. Follow the steps provided to register for online support. Microsoft gives no-charge support for 90 days. After that period, you can subscribe to fee-based support options.
If you have difficulty getting Windows 98 to recognize or properly run a hardware device, you will probably want to examine the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). It contains a list of computer systems and peripherals that have been tested by the Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Labs. To see this list, access the Microsoft Support Web page and select Windows 98 from the My Search Is About list. In the I Want to Search For box, type Hardware Compatibility List. Then click the Find button to access a page containing hardware compatibility information.
One of the most valuable resources of technical knowledge on Windows and Windows applications is TechNet. TechNet is a compilation of troubleshooting procedures, technical papers, product descriptions, product announcements, drivers, and so on. TechNet is a paid subscription service that sends you three CDs each month containing more than 150,000 pages of technical information, fourteen Resource Kits, Service Packs, the KnowledgeBase, and the software library containing the latest drivers and patches. It also includes a full-text search engine to help you find what you need.
To learn more about subscribing to TechNet, click the Web Resources link on the Windows 98 Help page, and then click the TechNet hyperlink on the Windows Support Web page.
To subscribe to the TechNet CD-ROM, contact them at:
Microsoft TechNet One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 FAX: (206) 936-7329, Attn: TechNet Voice: (800) 344-2121 Internet: Web:
Newsgroups provide you with an online area in which you can post technical questions and get responses from your peers. As you can see from the few newsgroups listed in the left pane of Figure 4.10, newsgroups cover a wide range of topics including Microsoft's products. You can access newsgroups with most Internet newsreader software. You must configure your newsreader for Microsoft's news server at If you are using Internet Explorer 4, the newsgroup reader was configured for Microsoft's news service when you installed Internet Explorer 4 and Windows 98.
FIG. 4.10 Subscribing to Microsoft's news service gives you access to a wide range of topics.
CAUTION: Although you can gain valuable real-world information through newsgroups, you must be cautious. Unless the MVP who monitors the newsgroup answers your question, your peer might give you a completely wrong answer. Also, some newsgroups are filled with extraneous conversations that veer away from the newsgroup's topic.
Newsgroups are monitored by Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs). These professional consultants and trainers are very conscientious and hard working. They are volunteers and are paid only in professional recognition and their desire to help others, so help them out. Be careful of advice you receive from respondents you are not familiar with. While they mean well, they might not be well informed.
Even though local and online help is readily accessible, you might find it more comforting to talk with a person who guides you through troubleshooting. Or maybe you find books to be a less expensive yet very informative way of learning.
For customer service and product upgrade information, call (800) 426-9400. At the time this book was published, Microsoft offered three methods of support for Windows with live support personnel. These numbers and support levels are outlined here:
Description | Type | Telephone |
Support for 90 days from your first support call. | Free. Initial 90-day support. |
(425) 635-7000 |
$35 charge to a credit card until the specific problem is resolved. Make sure you keep the charge code ID and incident ID assigned by Microsoft. | $35 per incident charged to a credit card. |
(800) 936-5700 |
$35 charge to a telephone number until the specific problem is resolved. Incident ID is assigned by Microsoft. | $35 per incident charged to telephone. |
(900) 555-2000 |
This support is available Monday through Friday, 6:00am to 6:00pm Pacific time, excluding holidays.
You also can get help on Windows via a FAX that lists the most frequently asked questions and their answers. To get answers from FastTips, call (800) 936-4200.
Microsoft also supports a stable of service providers who can give you or your company help on Windows. These service providers are:
Name | Description | Support Options | Telephone |
Sitel | Technical services. | Wide range of services available | 800-363-5448 |
Corporate | Corporate support | Windows 95 support and training. | (617) 440-1000 |
Software | |||
Unisys | Support for home | $35 per incident | (900) 555-5454 |
Corporation | users and businesses. | $2.95 per minute Prepaid callbacks. | (800) 757-8324 (800) 863-0436 |
Microsoft Certified Solution Providers and Certified Trainers are consultants and trainers certified by Microsoft to work with or train on Microsoft products. They are independent consultants who have met the strict qualifying requirements imposed by Microsoft.
You can find the Microsoft Certified Solution Providers and training centers in your area by calling (800) SOL-PROV.
Que is the publisher of Platinum Edition Using Windows 98, and of the Special Edition Using series of books. To order books or catalogs or to get additional information, please call Macmillan Publishing at:(317) 581-3500 (800) 428-5331Or point your browser to:
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