In this lesson, you'll learn to attach to your office network using Dial-Up Networking.
Remote access with Windows 98 is easier and more powerful than in any previous version of Windows. If you are connecting to an Internet service provider, using remote mail from home, or simply connecting to a server-based LAN, Dial-Up Networking can make the connection for you. Dial-Up Networking allows you to use the resources on the network as if you were physically connected to the LAN rather than remotely connected through a modem.
Remote access is accomplished with new Windows 98 networking components and a dial-up adapter, so you can easily use remote networking. Because remote networking is built in at the core of Windows 98, programs that require networking automatically start the Dial-Up Networking component when they run in order to establish a connection. A good example is Internet Explorer. When you attempt to connect to a resource that requires a network connection, Internet Explorer automatically opens the Dial-Up Networking dialog box to attempt a connection to the network.
Remote access with Windows 98 requires only the addition of a modem, installation of Dial-Up Networking components, and the phone number for the remote connection. This connection can be an Internet service account, a Windows 98 or Windows NT dial-up server, a NetWare Connect server, or other third-party servers. This section covers connecting to a Windows NT or Windows 98 dial-up server.
With Dial-Up networking, you can connect to a network and access shared information even if your computer is not a part of that network. Of course, you must have rights to access the other network and will undoubtedly have to provide a user name and password (supplied by your network administrator).
To prepare your computer for dial-up services, follow these steps:
2. Click the Identification tab of the Network dialog box, as shown in Figure 7.1.
Figure 7.1 The Identification tab of the Network Dialog box.
4. Enter the Workgroup name. Workgroup refers to a Windows NT, Window 98, or Windows for Workgroups workgroup, the logical grouping of peer machines in a Windows network. This information should also be supplied to you by your network administrator.
5. Click OK.
6. Windows 98 states that you must restart your computer before the new settings take effect and asks if you want to restart the computer. Choose Yes to restart with the new settings.
Now that you have tackled the installation and configuration of your dial-up connection, you can proceed with configuring a dial-up connection.
Windows provides a Dial-Up Connection Wizard that makes it easy to create connections for Dial-Up Networking. After the wizard leads you through the process, you're ready to make your call. To run the Wizard, follow these steps:
2. Click Make New Connection. The first box of the Make New Connection Wizard appears, as shown in Figure 7.2.
Figure 7.2 The Make New Connection Wizard.
4. Select your modem.
5. Choose the Configure button if you need to set any specific options. The modem's Properties sheet will appear, containing such information as port, speaker volume, baud rate, data bits, parity, and so on. Choose OK to return to the Wizard.
6. Choose Next. The second wizard dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 7.3.
Figure 7.3 Type in the telephone number and country code for your new connection in this dialog box.
8. Click Next. Another wizard box appears, telling you the connection was successfully created.
9. Click Finish. The new connection is added to the Dial-Up networking window.
You can change a phone number, modem configuration, and even the server type for a Dial-Up connection. First, you must open the Dial-Up Networking window. Then follow these steps:
2. Select the Properties command. The connection's general properties sheet appears, as shown in Figure 7.4.
3. To reconfigure the modem, choose the Configure button. The Modem Properties sheet appears and offers options such as port, speaker volume, speed, parity, and so on.
4. To set the server, click the Server Type tab (see Figure 7.5).
Figure 7.4 The Properties sheet.
Figure 7.5 Select the server type you want to access.
Other choices may appear in the list if you have installed client software for third-party remote network access products. For example, if you connect to a LAN using Shiva LANRover or Shiva NetModem products, your Shiva client software may appear in this list.
6. In the Advanced options area, choose from the following options:
8. Choose OK to close the dialog box. Choose OK again to close the connections properties dialog box.
You can add further connections to your Dial-Up Networking window at any time. When you're ready to connect to the network, open the Dial-Up Networking window, turn on your modem, and follow these steps:
2. Enter your Password. You can choose Dial Properties if you have any last minute changes to make to the information.
3. Choose the Connect button. The Connecting To dialog box shows your progress. When the connection is made, Dial-Up verifies your user name and password with the remote computer.
4. When your logon is complete, Windows 98 shows the connection status dialog box that monitors the connection. You're connected to the remote network and can use any resources to which you have been given access.
CAUTION: The Remote Computer Hangs Up Unexpectedly There might be noise over the phone lines that is interrupting the connection. You could try calling again and hope for a better connection. Also, you might have gone too long without typing anything and have timed out.
In this lesson, you learned how to attach to a network using Dial-Up Networking and create and modify connections.
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