Welcome to Eurofighter 2000 homepage,this page contains information about NATO's new Ef2000 fighter, designed to be a competitive player of the F-22 in the military market.
Game of the month
The winner of the game of the week is Extreme Pinball.Pinballs games are back,whit new graphics and real time playing,some of them are designed for Win95 and some for DOS, but no matter how they are,you will enjoy hours of fun.One of this pinball games is Extreme Pinball from Epic Megagames,the shareware version contains only one pinball table based on a rock band,the music and the sound effects are excelent for those who have a 3d sound card, and it offers fast gameplay on a Pentium proccesor whit at least 8 mb of ram.
Joystick of the month
This month winner is Logitech Wingman Extreme.
Winner of many choice editors by important Pc games magazines,this joystick offers a great manuever control whit a hat trick and four buttons, for a low price of 50$.The joystick was tested whit 2 popular flight simulator games F-18 black night and Us Navy Fighters Gold.The first test was to make some difficult manuevers whitout a external view of this airplane, the wingman extreme was soo easy to use that in a low flight over a city, my two wingmans had a accident whit a skycraper. The second test was how the joystick buttons and the hat trick responded in a air attack to a heavy defended target, while playing Falcon3.0 no problem whit the buttons was reported, but whit Us Navy Fighter some times onr the buttons dind responded.
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