Welcome to my Web page
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My name is Ruben and this the first page that I make,so I'm still workink to complete it.
I'm 24 years old and I live in Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona,Catalonia,Spain). I'm studing Electronic Enginery in the E.U.E.T.I.B., U.P.C (Politecnic University of Catalonia).
I'm making the Final Project that is tittled "Previous study to the realization of a compiler oriented to Neural Networks". If you need information about compilers or neural networks visit the page dedicated to the project (This page is only available in catalan.Soon it will be in spanish and later in english).
From here you'll find information about my aficions and a lot of interesting links.
Would you like to see my photos'collection?
Visit the page of PNEUMA ,the best group of medieval music.
For any suggeriment or comment you can send me an e-mail to :
Page created the 12-9-97
Modificated the 12-11-97 1:18
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