Geological Unit Age Symbol Description Thickness Fossils Special Features

Kserouan Limestone Lias ? j4 Crystalline, grey with brownish tint in colour, highly fissured dolomitic LIMESTONE with white veins of quartz. Variable grain size from fine to coarse depending on the degree of diagenesis. Chemically deposited. Saccaroidal texture. High content of algae showing drop-like patches on fracture surfaces. Some silicified corals. 1000 m 

Type section Kserouan

Corals and Algae Jeita cave. 

By weathering forms sand of dolomite crystals on the mountain side along Mashnaqa - Qartaba road.


Lowest and oldest formation in Lebanon

Bhannes Volcanics or Equivalent Dogger ? j5 Volcanics: Black BASALT or pillow lava, not vesicular. 

Equivalent: Bluish clastic LIMESTONE, weathers to creamish, usually intercalated with soft bluish shale (0.5 to > 1 m thick)

20-30 m 


80-85 m

Type section Bhannes


Bikfaya Limestone   j6 Finely crystalline, massive, cliffy LIMESTONE including brown chert nodules, trace to abundant. Smooth fresh fracture. Chemically deposited. 60-65 m 

Type section Bikfaya

  Limestone full of chert nodules on the road side, 

Baabdat - Arbanieh.

Salima Limestone Malm ? j7 Composed of: 

Chocolate brown SHALE and bluish MARL, in parts intercalated with thick oolitic LIMESTONE bed. The marl weathers to a creamish, ochre colour

0 to few meters to 150 m 

Type section Salima


Chouf Sandstone (Gré s de Base) Neocomian-Barremian? c1 Varicoloured, cross bedded SANDSTONE with interbeds of shale. The lower part consists of sandy clayey LIMESTONE beds in the Jieta area. Contains heavy minerals. Colour depends upon percentage of hematite and presence of volcanics giving purplish colour. Sand is sometimes white and used for making glass (Safa). Contains coal seams and traces of brittle amber. 300 m 


Type section Jezzine

  Old mines at Arsoun used by the French or the Turks. 

Formation 200 m thick near Beirut, thinning northwards. Approx. 10 m thick in north Lebanon

Abey Formation Lower Aptian c2a1 Clastic: mixture of clay, sand and calcareous material in varying proportions forming clay, sandy clay, marl, marly limestone etc. The calcareous material may be slightly to moderately indurated. Where marl prevails its fresh colour is bluish, weathering to creamish brown. 125 m 


Type section Abey

  Kfarhim caves, rare stylolites
Mdeirej Limestone, or Jezzine Cliff, or Couches de Planches Lower Aptian c2a2 Karstic, massive LIMESTONE forming a prominent cliff which is often used as a marker bed. Marine depositional environment. Transition with the Abey Formation consists of three layers of green clay intercalating limestone. 45 m 


Type section


Hammana Formation Upper Aptian 






MARL intercalated with marly LIMESTONE with thick layers of SAND on top. Layers of ferro-oolitic limestone sometimes overlie the sand. 

Green MARL (containing glauconite) intercalated with thick layers of marly LIMESTONE forming cliffs 3 - 4 m in height. May contain some thin sand layers in the lower part of the formation.

20 m 

10 m


150 m

Type section Hammana

Rich in orbitolina 



Large moluscs, (gastropods, bivalves and rare cephalopodes)


Ferro-oolitic limestone seen North of Jezzine

Glauconite grains are abundant in Fayyadieh before the Military School.

Sannine Limestone Cenomanian c4a Dolomitic LIMESTONE Within this formation, geodes of different sizes, filled or voided, 300 m Ammonites and fish fossils. Fish fossils found Qadisha, Afqa and Rachmaiya caves.
    c4b Bluish MARL and SHALE containing crystals of quartz. Also chert nodules and bands from 80-100 m particularly at Maameltain, Hjoula and Hakel    
    c4c LIMESTONE and dolomitic LIMESTONE white to brown in colour ranging in width from mm to several cm. Limestone is highly karstified 300 m 

Type section Sannine

Maameltain or Ghazir Limestone Turonian c5 Distinguished by fossils otherwise joined with C4c, except in Barkline and between Tabarja and Halat where bluish shaley (laminated) LIMESTONE is found. 200 m 

Type section Ghazir

Chekka Marl Maastrichtian/Paleocene and Eocene c6 Cretaceous and lower Tertiary sediments indistinguishable lithologically. Stiff bluish plastic MARL with glauconite, interbedded with chalky marly LIMESTONE and nodules of black chert. 400 m Chekka thinning to 150 m elsewhere 

Type section Chekka

Rich in foraminifera Weathering is sometimes rusty, concoidal fracture

  Lower Eocene e2a Bluish MARL, weathers to grey marl not more than 

100 m

Rich in foraminifera Best locality near Babliyeh and Kawkaba
  Middle Eocene e2b Massive LIMESTONE with concretions of chert, or chert nodules and bands. 200 m Nummulites Best locality near Babliyeh
  Miocene m2a Continental:conglomerate and sand, especially in the Zahle area, with thick mud on top. 


Marine: Greenish Marl, weathers to grey, in parts interbedded with marly LIMESTONE

50 m to 

> 100 m


150 m

Feraminifera In Achrafieh, 500 m of marl, because it is resting on the Senonian (C6) marl.
  Middle Miocene m2b Reefic LIMESTONE, massive 150 m Corals, foraminifera Tunnels at Dbayeh and old tunnel at Chekka
  Pliocene p1, p Conglomerate, sandstone and sandy marine marl, bluish in colour. 300- 

400 m

  Best locality, Wadi Arqa in the north
  Pleistocene/Recent q Loose eolian sands and cement sands. Alluvium. Residual Soil including terra rosa     Best locality, Khalde and Beir Hassan
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