Calvin & Hobbes™ are copyright by BILL WATTERSON and United Press Syndicate
I have not been given permission to display them, but I hope that both Mr. Watterson and United Press will understand that although the author has a meaning within his art, it is also an interpretation from the individual. I mean for these pages to be a tribute to the absolute fine work Mr. Watterson has done and all the times he made me laugh. I maintain and pay for these pages myself. No monies are made from these pages whatsoever.

Jim McCormick's
(a.k.a. Long John Silver)
Spaceman Spiff Saves The Day!!!
Things you will need to access some of my more cool stuff...
Netscape 2.0
Shockwave Plug-In
Download Real Audio 2.0

Greetings Earthling.
Your implant is #
Now go join the other carbon based life forms or face deadly frap ray.
We've been abducting earthlings since
August 15th 1996

Click on ME to find out how to link to this site!

eMail Long John Silver!
I may very well be online (although probably playing some game or something...). If you wanna try to chat to me via

then make sure you have Powwow running and click HERE!