Mike Mehl's Other Stuff

A collection of things that aren't related to science, at least directly.

Me, Me, Me, Me

Many of the places I've lived or worked have a place on the Web. Here's a Web Autobiography.


Links to the Sunflower State.


The 'Net has a lot of alleged humor. I won't try to tabulate it all, but just hit some of the hot spots:

Washington DC naturally lends itself to satire. Some of those who best know this, a group of Congressional Aides, formed The Capitol Steps.

The all-knowing Internet (nee Usenet) Oracle is available to answer all of your questions, except for the one about woodchucks. You might want to look at the help file first, though, lest you get hit by a massive *ZOT*.

Your cat rules your house, but you can fight back. Tabby has read Basic Rules for Cats Who Have a House to Run. Read it and learn your enemy's deepest secrets.

Science Fiction

Science Fiction in a Science section? Sure. One of the reasons I went into physics was because of all of the science fiction I read when I was growing up. In fact, there are many SF writers who are scientists.

The Linkoeping SF&F Archive has author guides, book reviews and even an art gallery.

Since the beginning of computer communications, SF fans have been keeping in touch through a mailing list called "SF-Lover's". The SF-Lover's Archive collects all of the messages posted to the list. This list is also a digest of the best articles posted to the rec.arts.sf newsgroups. At the same site you'll find a collection of SF Author's bibliographies, and, in some cases, links to author's home pages.

The Science Fiction Resource Guide is another link into the SF Lover's archive, with links to other sites on the Web.

A couple of years ago, Dani Zwieg posted his Belated Reviews to the Net. These are reviews of authors whose work mostly predated the coming of the computer age, and the books they wrote.

Alpha Ralpha Boulevard contains biographies and bibliographies for many of today's writers.

Those of you who remember the Science Fiction Roundtable (SFRT) from GEnie's Basic*Services days will be happy to see SFF Net, run by none other than Yog himself, Jim Macdonald. This site has its own SF oriented news feed, author's home pages, and, of course, many other links.

For fans of Alternate History, the Usenet Alternate History List has an annotated bibliography of hundreds (thousands?) of novels and short stories that might have been. A time-line of divergence points is also included.

The Virginia Tech Speculative Fiction project "is an experiment in recovering and preserving text and graphic materials related to speculative fiction," including fiction from the old pulp SF magazines.

Another Star Trek movie is here. (If a Star Trek movie isn't playing, one soon will be.) In honor of "First Contact", Yahoo! Internet Life sponsored a Star Trek contest. It's over, but the links to some of the best Star Trek sites on the Web remain. (If you're not into Trek, learn how to fake it.) In addition, Area51 has a Concise Star Trek Episode Guide which has capsule reviews of many of the episodes of all of the series, plus much other stuff of the Trek persuasion. Of course, with something as popular as Star Trek, you can find many other episode guides can be found on the net.

Now that the original Star Wars movies are being re-released, we can turn to the rumor that George Lucas is going to produce another series of Star Wars movies. Since he's going to go back before the original movie, you'll need a Star Wars Timeline to keep track of what's happening when. You can also take a Star Wars Web Safari, courtesy of the Washington Post. The Chicago Tribune also has a Star Wars Web Page, but you'll wait for a while while the graphics loads.

Book Reviews

A collection of books I've found interesting.

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