(847)834-1760 (Voice Mail)
A position, which will allow me to use my skills, developed in the field of Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering.
Electroplating: All basic processes:Cu,Ni,Zn, Sn,Pb,Cr,Au,Ag,Pd,alloys, electropolishing, anodizing, Metal-Polymer coatings. Distribution control. Throwing Power and Leveling improvement.Plating Tanks' Geometry setup,etc. DC and PPR plating. Hull Cell, Moller Cell, Harring Cell, other testing cells. Cell modeling.
Corrosion: Corrosion Research technics (DC, AC, CVA, radiometrics,etc.). Electrochemical Corrosion,Pitting, Intercrystalline corrosion, cracks, etc. Cathodic and anodic protection, inhibition, passivation, polymer and metal-polymer coats. Protection through influencing: cathode reaction, mass-transporting conditions, anode reaction, etc.
Electrochemistry: Very good background in electrochemical kinetics and thermodynamics.Research technics: polarization measurements (DC,CVA,RDE, RRDE, polarography, chronopotentiometrics,chronoamperometry, etc.), electrocapillarity, electrocapacitance, radio-chemical methods.
Analytical Chemistry: Electrochemical Analysis:CVS, Polarography, ISE (including incremental analysis),Potentiometric Titration, Coulometry, Conductometrics, etc. Many other Physico-Chemical Methods. Electronic Microscopes, coating thickness measuring technics.Most chemical analysis methods.
Analytical Skills and Computer
Very good math skills. Statistical research methods.
Very good in math modeling.
Strong computer knowledge: PC, Windows, MS DOS, MSOffice, Internet,
many others.
Programming Languages: Visual Basic; Java;SQL; PL SQL; SQL; HTML
Databases: MS Access; Oracle
Development tools and IDE's: Visual Basic 3-6, MS Access 2-97-2000, Oracle 8i, Visual Cafe, Kawa, Visual Age, JBuilder, SQL+, Crystal Reports.
Learning fast: any language, software and microprocessor based instruments.
Mendeleev Institute of Chemical
Moscow, Russia.
Department of Electrochemical Engineering
Master of Science. Chemical Engineering.1992.
Mendeleev Institute of Chemical
Moscow, Russia.
Department of Electrochemical Engineering.
Bachelor of Science. Chemical Engineering.
Major: Electrochemical Engineering. 1989.
05.1999 - Present
ECI Technology, Inc.
East Rutherford, NJ
R&D ELECTROCHEMIST. Developing new analytical equipment and analysis procedures for plating and electronic industries.
01.1998 - 05.1999
Amitron Corporation
Elk Grove, IL.
PLATING DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER. PCB industry. Plating processes development and continuous improvement. Help troubleshooting quality issues. Evaluating new technologies and equipment and implementing them into existing technology.
Castings on Parade, Inc.
Albuquerque, NM
PLATING DEPARTMENT MANAGER. Headed up small Electroplating Department. Maintained bath chemistry. Calculating and making additions. Troubleshooting. Making analysis and plating tests. Managing production schedule. Setting up new processes. Responsible for pricing and contacts with Suppliers and Customers.
1992 - 1995
Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Engineers .
Laboratory of Electroplating.
Moscow, Russia
R&D CHEMIST. Studied Zn-Mn alloy deposition from alkaline solutions as a part of the Cadmium and Cyanide substitution government project. Also studied some metal-polymer coatings co-deposition. Used DC polarization measurements, Cyclic voltammograms, Chronopotentiograms, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, etc.
1991 - 1992
Carpov Institute of Physical Chemistry.
Laboratory of Corrosion and Electrochemistry of Metals.
Moscow, Russia
R&D CHEMIST. Studied corrosion and electrochemical behavior of the new anodic materials for electrowinning processes used in the "Norilsk Nickel Company". Used number of unique methods developed in the Institute as well as traditional methods, such as DC Polarization measurements, X-rays, radiometric methods, etc.
1988 - 1991
Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Laboratory of Electroplating.
Moscow, Russia.
CHEMIST. RESEARCH ASSISTANT. Studied the influence of various organic additives on the throwing power and other properties of acid copper solution for PCB plating. Used polarization measurements (RDE), electrocapillary analysis. Moller Cell for Throwing Power measurements, crossections, other methods. Assisted senior scientists in their research. Analyzing solutions. Other lab routine
Participating in plating forums on the Internet. Doing a lot of consulting.
Member of the American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society (AESF).
Fluent in Russian.
References are excellent and available upon request.