This page is for people, who want to know, what's really happening with Russian jewry at the present time. How "happy" became those people, who have never had full rights in Russia before... Also I strongly recommend to read all linked documents for those, who think, that PERESTROIKA has changed the life of Russian Jews. I hope you'll understand what kind of changes is it... In case these documents will help to even one Russian Jew to leave Russia and to get asylum in any free country, I'll find my goal accomplished.
I don't pretend to be an expert here. All I have is my small story... Story of how the 18 years old Jewish boy was called to Soviet Military Service and came back with broken jaws and teeth. How after the service he was afraid to say loud his middle and last name which were explicitly Jewish. The story of how the sinagogue, where his Grand Mother's parents in 1919 used to pray to G-d for keeping their children safe, was burned in 1993, then exploded in 1996, then exploded again in 1998. I wonder what those Jewish Moms are praying for nowdays? My wild guess is - it's still those old prayers.
Wow, I completely forgot another story I have. It's the story of another jewish boy, who lost his parents in 1919. They were murdered in Ukraine with 2 babies on their hands. It was called "Pogroms". And the animals who did it were called Ukrainian Nationalists or something similar. That was my granddad. When I was born, he already traded those 2 fingers in exchange on piece of cannon shell inside his body. WW2. But ask that smiling animal on the top of this page - "Is it true that Jews were most fearless soldiers in the WW2 because they didn't have an option of being captured? Or is that true that Jews hold more medals and other WW2 honors per person, than any other ethnic group in USSR?"
"Of course not!" - he would reply. This guy will tell you that all the Jews ran deep inside the safe territories of Soviet Asia and none of them was ever on the front. Of course not. No motivation - that's a problem. They were probably looking forward to Hitler's coming to Russia. He would honor them I guess....Hey, I have another story. This time it's a Jewish Girl in 1950s. Daughter of the WW2 veteran. She was the best in her class and she was going to go to Famous Technical College in Moscow. Guess what? She didn't make it there. - Failed math exam... Lazy girl, huh? She is PhD in Chemistry and my Mom (chronological order) now. Never failed math in her life.
My dad... he's lazy too I guess. He's 80 next year and still working for a big Newspaper in Moscow. Running all over the city, interviewing. Even visiting me in Albuquerque he couldn't stand not to take about 5 interviews. Yeah, he's lazy guy. That's why he was unemployed during 5 years, when no Newspaper in Soviet Union was allowed to hire a Jew.
OK. Here are the links. But don't believe your eyes. Believe the guy on the top. That's what the Russian Government would do.
Union of Councils for Soviet Jews (Such a fun to be jew in Russia)
HIAS information. Jews again victims of anti-Semitism...
Human Rights in Russia. Information from Russian side
Russian nazi will support Eltsin's campaign...
Israel-Info.Anti-Semitism in FSU...
Bomb blast in Moscow Chabad Synagogue...