Russia and Jews          My resume          Drop me a line 

Moscow, Russia
Moscow, Russia. The place I was born, raised (hopefully well).
I went  to school here. I was called to military from here.
Then - back to school. Work. So many girls were about to break
my heart in that town. So many friends are still there and so many
friends are some place else now... I never thought I'd be living
any place else. Who did I think I was to write my destiny, huh?
It just happened - I haven't seen Moscow in 4 years by now
and still miss it.

Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Beautiful place - hot, dry, sleepy, cowboys, no rain, no snow.......
I thought I would go crazy there. Nice for vacation. Imposible for living
if you were born in place like MOSCOW, RUSSIA. It took me 2 years 
to get out of there and still there are some great memories of Albuquerque.

Anyway, this is me  2 years ago....

Chicago, IL

Wow, that 1+ year in Chicago was a blast. Chicago is number 2 now in my "Best Cities on the Earth"
list (I still love that crazy city of Moscow too god damn much). Those guys on the picture are my work friends - Howdy Steve?  Whasup Rene? I miss you guys... After the rural Albuquerque Chicago was some fresh air to my lungs. Full of life. I have 21 relatives in Chicago and I love them all. Rare situation. So many friends in one year... The weather sucks - no doubt about it, but screw the weather. I love you Windy City!

New York

Well, nothing is forever... So Chicago is behind and I'm in New York Metro now. This photo is the first taste of beer in Manhattan. What can I say about Big Apple? I don't know yet. The beer was nice though...

OK. Let's continue...
My full name is Alexander Kogan but my friends usually call me Sasha. And I prefer to be known as Sasha. Do you, mind?

(BTW, I hated  the name "Alex" the whole first year I was here, but finaly I gave up and even got used to explaining everyone, that SASHA doesn't necessary mean female's name. There are some weird parts of this world, where those weird people call men SASHA, ALYOSHA, JENYA, etc.  Even "BABUSHKA" and "DEDUSHKA"  aren't bad words in those places... :) After all the whole mater of liking or disliking our names is just a game of recalling associated people.

I was born in Jewish family in Moscow,Russia (lucky me, huh?) in 1967. Next day after my birth USSR terminated diplomatic relationships with  the State of Israel. Here is a tip for those, curious of how much fun is to be Russian Jew nowdays:
Russia and Jews are incompatible forever...  Click here to see it for yourself .

My MOM is PhD in Chemistry and my DAD is a journalist.  After 12 years of hard thinking I have chosen my MOM's way. From that time my general goal is a career in electrochemistry. My first experience as a chemist were explosive experiments in my room and very unhappy MOM and DAD. Hey, I was just 12.  I couldn't believe it: why they were so angry about my activities in the Nature Research?....  My resume  for those who wonder what happened next :)

HERE  you can see what do I look like. ENJOY ..... :)

HERE  is another picture and if you never seen Russian car LADA it could be interesting for you...

HERE is my last look at the former Soviet Union.(Vilnius Lithuania). Without these people I wouldn't be able to make it out of there. Thank You: Teresa and Petro, Yadviga and Vladek, Yadviga and Vadim. You keep telling me that what you've done for me is nothing. Let me be a judge here... God bless you.

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