Yasser Zeyada
Currently associate Professor, faculty of Engineering at Cairo University
Current Tel # : ++2010 2080843


Professional interests

Dynamic System Analysis and Control, Mechanical Vibration, Vehicle Dynamics, Rotor Dynamics, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Helicopter Simulators..
1994 - 1998 Cairo University - UCDAVIS
            Ph.D./ Vehicle Dynamics
The research project was funded by the Egyptian ministry of education in a period of four years. The first two years were devoted to establishing the necessary knowledge base (Cairo University). The remaining two years spent in CA, USA joining the  University of California at Davis (UCD) exchange scholars program to develop final research contributions.
Thesis under the supervision of Prof. D. Karnopp, Prof. M. El Araby, and Dr. E.M.ElBeheiry,  on "Integrated Active System for Emergency Maneuvers in Automobiles"
The subject includes modeling of passenger cars for dynamic analysis, lateral dynamics and control of  vehicles, sliding mode controllers, Fuzzy logic controllers, Neural networks for friction coefficient identification between tire and road surface, driver's model using fuzzy inference for driver-in-the-loop simulations.
1991 - 1994 Cairo University Giza, Egypt
M.Sc./ Rotor-Dynamics
 Thesis under the supervision of Prof. A. El Shafei, and Prof. M. El Araby on " Rotor-dynamic Analysis Using Transfer Matrices"
 The subject includes modeling of rotor-bearing systems, Lumped and continuous field modeling, Critical speeds, stability prediction, and unbalance response.  Investigations were carried out for both symmetrical and non-symmetrical bearing characteristics.
1990 - 1991 Cairo University Giza, Egypt
Post Graduate Courses/Mechanical Engineering
 Courses included system dynamics, Non-linear system analysis, Materials technology, Elasticity of Materials.
Ranked first in class.
1985 - 1990 Cairo University
B.Sc./Mechanical Engineering
Summa Cum Laude, Distinction with honor Degree.
Courses include: Mathematics (Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations...etc), Physics, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Automatic Control, Mechanical Vibrations, Theory of Machines, Mechanical Design, Linear Programming, Electrical Circuits, Robotics,...etc.
Awarded a Full-mark grading (200/200) for the graduation project entitled: Fesibility Study for Qattara Depression, An Engineering Prospective.
Professional experience
2000- 2002 University of California  Davis, CA, USA
Post Doc.
Joined a research program to develop a technique for computer-aided assessment of flight simulator fidelity for rotorcrafts. The assessment procedure utilizes a mathematical model of the human pilot that includes proprioceptive, visual and vestibular cues. The work resulted in the development of MPVA (Multi-loop Pilot Vehicle Analysis) software for the analysis of multi-loop handling qualities alowing nonlinear subsystems. The work is done for and supported by NASA Ames research center.
2000-2002  University of California  Davis, CA, USA
Post Doc.
Joined a research program entitled: Computer Modeling and Simulation of Helicopter Task Analysis. The project is funded by the U.S.Army Aviation and Missile Command. The research work objective is to provide a means for analyzing and extending current methods of gathering simulation and in-flight assessments of helicopter flight tasks and maneuvers through application of task performance math models. Simulation tasks are conducted on NASA AMES Vertical Motion Simulator VMS.
1997 - 1998 University of California  Davis, CA, USA
Post Graduate Researcher
The research is conducted by Prof. R. Hess, project funded by NASA Ames research center, Moffett Field, CA.
A model-based methodology for assessing flight simulator fidelity in closed-loop fashion is exercised in analyzing rotorcraft low-altitude maneuvers for which flight test and simulation results were available.
The project includes the development of a comprehensive computer program using (MATLAB/SIMULINK), for the design of vehicle-pilot model dynamics.  The program was capable of predicting the HQSF (Handling Qualities Sensitivity Function) and PIO (Pilot Induced Oscillation) ratings. The research efforts have resulted in some publications as well as the development of (PVDnl), an interactive computer program for modeling the human pilot in single axis tracking tasks. The program have been distributed to approximately 20 research organizations world-wide, such as Boeing, NASA Ames, NASA Langley.
1990 - now Cairo University  Giza, Egypt
Assistant Professor
Hired by the Department of Mechanical Design to establish an academic career and perform teaching duties.  These duties include research tasks as well as instructing classes for under-graduate, and post-graduate students.
Ten years of teaching experience in courses such as Mechanical Vibrations(see www.geocities.com/cairo_vibration) , Automatic Control and Robotics,  Theory of Machines, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, System Identifications...etc
1996 - 1996 Rixroth Hydraulics   Lohr, Germany
Nominated by the mechanical design department at Cairo University to receive a comprehensive training on hydraulic systems.  The course included the theory and operation of servo valves, hydrostatic circuits, pumps, motors,...etc.
1995 - 1996 American University   Cairo, Egypt
Teaching Assistant
Hired by the Department of Mechanical Design to perform teaching duties for ME-371 exercise sessions.  ME-371 includes the basics of theory of machines.  A computer program was developed to demonstrate the motion of selected mechanisms.
1995 - 1996  Cairo, Egypt
Vibration Monitoring System Development
A Vibration Monitoring system has been developed to establish predictive maintenance schedules.   The system based on an interactive computer program developed  for the automation of monitoring process and inventory handling problems. The monitoring system was successfully implemented in number of industrial facilities in Egypt.
1992 - 1995 Carlin Middle East   Cairo, Egypt
Sales Director
Hired by the company on part-time bases to establish a branch for marketing of CAD/CAM systems for garment industries.
1992 - 1992 University of Technology   Tempere, Finland
Nominated by the department of mechanical design at Cairo university to receive a comprehensive training on MATLAB/SIMULINK computer program.
The project was supervised by Prof. H. Koivo, Automatic Control Department, Tampere university.  The subject included the training as well as the research on multi-input multi-output PID controllers.
1987 - 1988 Compuland   Cairo, Egypt
CAD/CAM  Engineer
Hired by the company on part-time bases.  Duties include acquiring computer skills specefically in the area of  CAD/CAM systems for training and sales purposes.
1985 - 1986 Geisum Oil Company   Hurgada, Egypt
Training and development
Received training on mechanical installation and maintenance of Gas turbines, compressors, boilers and pumps.
Developed a computer data base system for company administrations.
Academic Courses Instructed
* Mechanical Vibration (UG & PG)
* Automatic Control (UG & PG)
* Theory of Machines (UG)
* Fuzzy Logic Control (PG)
* Neural Networks (PG
Special Courses Instructed
Some selected Matlab based courses are instructed through Cairo University special courses program. Courses include,

*Introduction to Matlab
*Programming with Matlab
*Automatic Control
*Mechanical Vibrations
*Theory of Machines
*Dynamical System Analysis and Control
*Vehicle Dynamics
*Fuzzy Control
*Neural Networks
*Data Acquisition
*Virtual Reality
*System Identification
Who is Who in America, 56th Edition
Society Membership
AHS, American Helicopter Society
Patents and publications

Zeyada, Y., Hess, R.A.,"Computer-Aided Assessment of Flight Simulator Fidelity",, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Monterey, CA, Aug 5-8, 2002

Zeyada, Y., Hess, R.A., Heffley, R."Hybrid Genetic-Fuzzy Algorithims for Identifying Human Pilot Cue Utilization from Simulation and Flight Data", AHS 57th Annual Forum and Technology Display, May 9-11, 2001.

Hess, R.A., Zeyada, Y., Heffley, R."Modeling and Simulation for Helicopter Task Analysis", AHS 57th Annual Forum and Technology Display, May 9-11, 2001.

Heffley, R., Hess, R.A.,,Zeyada, Y. "Application of Classical-Control Techniques for Computer Modeling and Simulation of Helicopter Pilotage Tasks", AHS 57th Annual Forum and Technology Display, May 9-11, 2001.

ElBeheiry, E.M., Zeyada, Y., ElAraby, M.E., " Handling Capabilities of Vehicles in Emergincies using Coordinated AFS and ARMC Systems", Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol.11, No.1, PP 1-21, 2001.

Zeyada,Y., Hess, R.A., " MPVDnl- Pilot/Vehicle Dynamics (nonlinear), An Interactive Computer Program for Modeling the Human Pilot in Multi-Axis Linear and Non-Linear Tracking Tasks", Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of California, Davis, 2001.

Zeyada,Y., Heffley, R., Hess, R.A., " NDI- Computer Software for Analysis and Design of Helicopter Pilotage tasks ", Heffley Engineering, 349 1st street, Suite H, Los Altos, CA, 94022, 2001.

Zeyada, Y., Hess, R.A., " Modeling Human Pilot Cue Utilization With Application to Simulator Fidelity Assessment", AIAA, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 37, No.4, PP 588-598, 2000.

Zeyada, Y., ElBeheiry, E.M., and ElAraby, M.E., Karnopp, D., "Driver Modeling using Fuzzy Logic Controls for Human-in-the-Loop Vehicle Simulations", 7th Cairo University International Conference on Mechanical Design and Production, MDP-7, Feb 15-17, 2000.

Zeyada, Y., ElBeheiry, E.M., and ElAraby, M.E., " Fault Diagnosis and Mu-Estimation for Integrated Chassis Control System of Vehicles in Emergency Maneuvers", Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cairo University, Vol. 47, Aug 2000.

ElBeheiry, E.M., Zeyada, Y., ElAraby, M.E., " Robustness of Vehicle Controllability in Emergencies using Coordinated AFS and ARMC Systems", 9th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, MTC, Cairo, Egypt, 16-18 May, 2000.

Zeyada,Y., Hess, R.A., " PVDnl- Pilot/Vehicle Dynamics (nonlinear), An Interactive Computer Program for Modeling the Human Pilot in Single-Axis Linear and Non-Linear Tracking Tasks", Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of California, Davis, 1999.

Zeyada, Y., Hess, R.A., Siwakosit, W., " Aircraft Handling Qualities and Pilot-Induced Oscillation Tendencies with Actuator Saturation ", Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, AIAA, Vol. 22, No. 6, PP 852-861, 1999.

Zeyada, Y., Hess, R.A., " A Methodology for Evaluating the Fidelityof Ground-Based Flight Simulators", AIAA 99-4034, Modeling and Simulation Conference, Aug 9-11, Portland, Oregon, 1999.

Zeyada, Y., Hess, R.A., Siwakosit, W., " Analysis of Aircraft Handling Qualities and Pilot-Induced Oscillation Tendencies with Actuator Saturation ", AIAA 98-4334, Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, Aug 10-12, Boston, MA, 1998.

Zeyada, Y., Karnopp, D., El-Araby, M., El-Behiry, S., " A Combined Active-Steering Differential-Braking Yaw Rate Control Strategy for Emergency Maneuvers", SAE Int. Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, Feb 23-26, 1998, SAE Paper # 980230.

Zeyada, Y., El-Shafei, A., El-Araby, M., " Comparison Between Continuous and Lumped Approach in Transfer Matrix Modeling of Rotating Machinery", Proc. of the Vibration Inst., St. Louis, MO, June 7-10, 1993, PP 97-102.

Birthdate: June, 26th, 1967 (Cairo, Egypt)
Marital Status: Married, with one daughter
Prof. Ron Hess, University of California (Davis), One Shields Ave., Davis, CA, 95616. rahess@ucdavis.edu.

Prof. Bob Heffley, Heffley Engineering, 349 1st street, Suite H, Los Altos, CA, 94022. rhef@aol.com.

Prof. Dean Karnopp, University of California (Davis), One Shields Ave., Davis, CA, 95616. dckarnopp@ucdavis.edu.

Prof. Mohammed El-Araby, department of Mechanical design, Cairo university, Giza, Egypt.

Prof. Aly El-Shafei, department of Mechanical design, Cairo university, Giza, Egypt.