
Recent research

Power properties of systems with non-periodic voltages & currents
& their compensation

- L.S. Czarnecki, “Power theory of electrical circuits with quasi-periodic waveforms of voltages and currents,”
European Transaction on Electrical Power, ETEP, 1996.

-L.S. Czarnecki, “Circuits with semi-periodic currents: main features and power properties,
Proc. of the 2000 Int. Workshop on Power Definitions and Measurements Under Nonsinusoidal Conditions, Milano, Italy, 2000.

 L.S. Czarnecki, “Non-periodic currents: their properties, identification and compensation fundamentals,
Proc. of the 2000 IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Seattle, USA.

L.S. Czarnecki, Guangda Chen, Herbert Ginn, Jun Hu, “Phantom load: a simulator of non-periodic currents, "
Proc. of the 2000 IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Seattle, USA .

. L.S. Czarnecki and Guangda Chen, “Compensation of semi-periodic currents,
Proc. of the 2000 Int. Workshop on Power Definitions and Measurements Under Nonsinusoidal Conditions, (Milano, Italy, 2000).

Power in nonsinusoidal systems

 L.S. Czarnecki, "Harmonics and power phenomena,"
Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineerind, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.

 L.S. Czarnecki, "Energy flow and power phenomena in electrical circuits: illusions and reality,"
Archiv fur  Elektrotechnik, (82), No. 4, pp. 10-15, 1999.

 L.S. Czarnecki, “Power factor measurement,”
Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons. 1999.

 L.S. Czarnecki, “Budeanu and Fryze:
Two frameworks for interpreting power properties of circuits with nonsinusoidal voltages and currents,”
Archiv fur Elektrotechnik, (81), N. 2, pp. 5-15, 1997.

L.S. Czarnecki, “Comments on active power flow and energy accounts in electrical systems
with nonsinusoidal voltage and asymmetry,”
IEEE Trans. on Power Deliv., Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 1244-1250, 1996.

 L.S. Czarnecki, “Reactive and apparent powers: is everything clarified now?”
Proc. of the Conference on Electrical Engineering of Nonsinusoidal Currens, Zielona Gora, Poland, 2000.

Development of adaptive harmonic blocking compensators

S.M.Hsu and L.S. Czarnecki: “Harmonic blocking compensator: properties and design,”
is to be presented at the IEEE Industry Application Society Annual Meeting, 1997.

S.-M. Hsu, L.S. Czarnecki, “Harmonic blocking compensator with adaptive minimization of reactive and unbalanced currents,
Proc. of the 2000 IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Seattle, USA

Development of adaptive hybrid compensators

L.S. Czarnecki, G. Chen, Z. Staroszczyk, “Application of running quantities for control of adaptive hybrid compensator,”
European Transaction on Electrical Power, ETEP, 1996.

Synthesis & optimization of resonant harmonic filters

L.S. Czarnecki, “Effects of minor harmonics on the performance of resonant harmonic filters in distribution systems,”
Proc. IEE, Electric Power Appl., Vol. 144, No. 5, pp. 349-356, September 1997.

L.S. Czarnecki, “Common and fixed-poles resonant harmonic filters,”
Europ. Trans. on Electrical Power, ETEP Vol. 8, No. 5, Sept./Oct. 1998.

L.S. Czarnecki, “An overview of methods of harmonic suppression in distribution systems,“
Proc. of the 2000 IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Seattle, USA

 L.S. Czarnecki, Herbert Ginn “Effectiveness of resonant harmonic filters and its improvement,”
Proc. of the 2000 IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Seattle, USA.

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