
Supply & loading quality

L.S.Czarnecki, "A combined time-domain and frequency-domain approach to hybrid compensation
in unbalanced nonsinusoidal systems
European Transactions on Electric Power, ETEP, Vol.4, No.6, pp. 477-484, Nov./Dec. 1994.

L.S.Czarnecki, "Supply and loading quality improvement in sinusoidal power systems
with unbalanced loads supplied with asymmetrical voltage
Arch. fur Elektrotechnik, 77 (1994) pp. 69-177.

L.S.Czarnecki, "Dynamic, power quality oriented approach to theory and compensation of asymmetrical systems
under nonsinusoidal conditions
European Transactions on Electric Power, ETEP, Vol. 5, pp. 347-358, Sept./Oct. 1994.

L.S. Czarnecki, G. Chen, Z. Staroszczyk, S.M. Hsu, “Compensators with thyristor switched inductors
operated under degraded power quality: performacne and its improvement
Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Power Quality and Applications, PQA’95, 1995, New York.

L.S. Czarnecki, G. Chen, Z. Staroszczyk, “Application of running quantities for control of adaptive hybrid compensator,”
European Transaction on Electrical Power, ETEP, 1996.
