L.S.Czarnecki, "Theoretical problems of the realizability of the Hilbert Transformation,"
Acta IMEKO, (Budapest, Hungary, 1967), pp. 277-289.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Construction of a reactive power meter for circuits with nonsinusoidal waveforms," (in Polish),
Scientific Letters ELEKTRYKA, No.36, pp. 61-69, Gliwice, Poland 1972.
"Reactive power meter for nonsinusoidal systems,"
L.S.Czarnecki, Polish PATENT No. 75 834.
L.S.Czarnecki, " A method of reactive power meter for nonsinusoidal systems construction
based on a single-band modulation," (in Polish),
Scientific Letters ELEKTRYKA, No. 88, pp. 31-39, Gliwice, Poland 1984.
"Reactive power meter for nonsinusoidal systems,"
L.S.Czarnecki, Polish PATENT No. 85 529.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Measurement principle of a reactive power meter for nonsinusoidal systems,"
IEEE Trans. Instr. Measur., vol.6, No.30, pp. 209-212, 1981.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Reactive power meters for nonsinusoidal systems with all-pass circuits," (in Polish),
Scientific Letters ELEKTRYKA, No.75, pp. 5-14, Gliwice, Poland 1981.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Circuits that realize Hilbert transformation and their application for reactive power meters
in nonsinusoidal system construction," (in Polish),
Archiwum Elektrotechniki., Tom XXXII, Z.3/4, pp. 415-475, 1984.
"Converter of reactive current RMS value in nonsinusoidal system into DC voltage",
L.S.Czarnecki, Polish PATENT No. 227 535.
"Analyzer of active power in nonsinusoidal systems",
L.S.Czarnecki, Polish PATENT No. 227 276.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Converter of the optimal capacitance to DC voltage,"
Electronics Letters, vol.17, No.12, pp.427, June 1981.
"Converter of reactive current RMS value in nonsinusoidal system into DC voltage",
L.S.Czarnecki, Polish PATENT No. 227 535.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Measurement of the individual harmonic reactive power in nonsinusoidal systems,"
IEEE Trans. Instr. Measur., vol. IM-32, pp. 383-385, June 1983.
L.S.Czarnecki, "A method of reactive power of individual harmonic measurement," (in Polish),
Scientific Letters ELEKTRYKA, No. 96, pp. 23-37, Gliwice, Poland 1983.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Measurement principle of the reactive current RMS value and the load susceptances
for harmonic frequencies meter,"
IEEE Trans. Instr. Measur., vol. IM-34, pp. 14-17, March 1984.
Identification of the load & system parameters for harmonic frequencies
L.S.Czarnecki, "Measurement principle of the load susceptances for harmonic frequencies meter
for nonsinusoidal systems,"
Conf. on Measurement Theory and Practical Appl., Czechoslovak Scient. and Techn. Society, 1983.
"A method of conductance for harmonic frequency conversion into DC voltage",
L.S.Czarnecki, Polish PATENT No. 228-153.
"Converter of the optimal compensating capacitance in a nonsinusoidal system into DC voltage",
L.S.Czarnecki, Polish PATENT No. 230-492.
"A method of susceptance for harmonic frequency conversion into DC voltage",
L.S.Czarnecki, Polish PATENT No. 228-159.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Measurement of active power loss in sinusoidal power systems
with nonlinear and periodically time-variant loads,"
Proc. of the IMEKO Symp. Meas. in Electrical and Electronic Power Systems, Zurich, Switzerland, 1989.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Two algorithms of the fundamental harmonic complex RMS value calculation,"
Arch. fur Elektrotechnik, (75), pp. 163-168, 1992.
L.S.Czarnecki, “Equivalent circuits of unbalanced loads supplied with symmetrical and asymmetrical voltage
and their identification”,
Archiv fur Elektrotechnik 78 (1995), pp. 165-168.
L.S. Czarnecki, Z. Staroszczyk, “On-line measurement of equivalent parameters for harmonic frequencies
of a power distribution system and load,”
IEEE Trans. on Instr. and Masurement, Vol.45, No.2, pp. 463-467, April 1996.
L.S. Czarnecki, Z. Staroszczyk, “Dynamic on-line measurement of equivalent parameters of three-phase systems
for harmonic frequencies,”
European Transaction on Electrical Power, ETEP, 1996.
Network Synthesis
L.S.Czarnecki, "Number of different one-ports with the same reactance function"(in Polish),
Scientific Letters ELEKTRYKA, No.35, pp. 99-104, Gliwice, Poland 1970.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Synthesis of orthonormal one-ports with real reactive elements,"(in Polish),
Scientific Letters ELEKTRYKA, No.27, pp. 17-26, Gliwice, Poland 1970.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Synthesis of Chebyshev's differential active filter," (in Polish),
Scientific Letters ELEKTRYKA, No.45, pp. 35-50, Gliwice, Poland 1974.
"A circuit for reactance function realization,"
L.S.Czarnecki, Polish Patent No. 105 403.
"Low-pass active filter,"
L.S.Czarnecki, Polish PATENT No. 108 791.
"A circuit that transforms input voltage into Hilbert Transform",
L.S.Czarnecki, Polish PATENT No. 119 260.
L.S.Czarnecki, "An extension of the Cederbaum symbolic notation and its application,"
Proc. of the 1976 European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design, Genova, Italy, 1976.
L.S.Czarnecki, "A method of RC n-poles transmittance calculation," (in Polish),
Proc. of the Con. on Mathematical Methods in Electrical Eng., Warsaw, Poland, 1976.
L.S.Czarnecki, "A method of the synthesis of active RC filters preserving the directed antisymmetrical graph
of the ladder network,"
Proc. of the Summer School on Circuit Theory, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1977.
L.S.Czarnecki and A.Lasicz, "Sensitivity of active phase-correctors equivalent to a passive RLC 2nd order corrector," (in Polish),
Scientific Letters ELEKTRYKA, No. 64, pp. 17-25, Gliwice, Poland 1977.
L.S.Czarnecki, "1-ports with orthonormal properties,"
International Journal on Circuit Theory and Appl., vol. 6, pp. 65-73, 1978.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Orthonormal two-port realization,"
Proc. of the 1978 European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design, Lozanna, Switzerland, 1978.
L.S.Czarnecki, "FDNR orthonormal two-ports realization,"
Proc. of the 1978 IEEE Int. of the Circuit and Systems Soc., New York, USA, 1978.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Orthonormal two-ports synthesis," (in Polish),
Proc. of the Conf. on Electronic Networks Theory, Warsaw, Poland, 1978.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Symbolic calculation of the RC network function with some discriminated elements,"
Proc. of the 4th Int. Symp. on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Delft Univ. of Techn. Holland, 1979
L.S.Czarnecki, "The tolerance of a reactance one-port realization,"
IEEE Trans. on Circuit and Systems, vol. CAS-28, no.10, pp. 1018-1019, Oct. 1981.
L.S.Czarnecki, "Pole sensitivity of all-pass networks," (in Polish),
Proc. of the Conf. on Electronic Networks Theory, Warsaw, Poland, 1981.
L.S.Czarnecki, "The phase-shift sensitivity of the wide-band p/2 phase-shift networks with respect to poles location,"
Archiwum Elektrotechniki., Tom XXXIII, Z.3/4, pp. 427-434, 1984.
L.S.Czarnecki, "A method of simultaneous determination of both the RC network symbolic transfer function
and sensitivity functions,"
Archiwum Elektrotechniki., Tom XXXIV, Z. 1/2, pp. 83-94, 1985.