Harmonic suppression
L.S.Czarnecki and O. T.Tan, "Methods of reactive power compensation and suppression of load generated harmonics,"
Proc. of the IEEE Southeastcon '90, New Orleans, LA, 1990, pp. 341-346.
- L.S.Czarnecki, and O.T.Tan, "Evaluation and reduction of harmonic distortion
caused by solid state voltage controllers of induction motors,"
IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1994, pp. 528-534.
L.S. Czarnecki, “Harmonic blocking compensator: an alternative for improving power quality,”
Proc. of the 6th Intern. Conference on Harmonics in Power Systems, ICHPS - VI, 1994, Bologna, Italy
L.S. Czarnecki, G. Chen, Z. Staroszczyk, “Application of running quantities for control of adaptive hybrid compensator,”
European Transaction on Electrical Power, ETEP, 1996.
S.M.Hsu and L.S. Czarnecki: “Harmonic blocking compensator: properties and design,”
is to be presented at the IEEE Industry Application Society Annual Meeting, 1997.