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Welcome to the mountains of North Carolina...Where sky and mountains meet

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Web-page Visitor - Communicate with [Your Name / Organization's Name] by using this ICQ Respond-Online Panel

This Site is Powered by the ICQ Respond-Online Panel

If you have a running ICQ client (you have ICQ)
you can Chat Me, ICQ-Me and/or Add Me to your contact list.
Netscape Users: If you are prompted to Pick App or Save File, select Pick App and browse to the location of your ICQ.EXE file (usually in C:\Program Files\ICQ\ICQ.EXE).
Internet Explorer Users: If you are prompted to Open or Save As select Open.

If you don't have an ICQ client
you can press the Page Me button to send me an ICQ message through my Personal Communication Center, the Zoom Me button to view my ICQ Whitepages details and the EmailNotify Me button to send me an e-mail and notify me by ICQ. If I am online, the message will popup on my screen, if I am offline it will be stored and forwarded to me as soon as I connect to the internet. Installing the ICQ client will enable you to know if your peers are online and communicate directly with them.

Use of the ICQ Respond-Online Panel is subject to the Terms and Conditions


Dear visitor - you can learn about my ICQ Interest Groups and about ICQ Interest Groups in general with the help of the ICQ Groups Panel


Use the ICQ Groups Panel to
View the ICQ Interest Group that I am a member/owner of, View other ICQ Interest Groups, Learn about ICQ Interest Groups and what they are, and even Create your own ICQ Interest Group - as well as check my ICQ status. If you don't have ICQ yet, you can Download it to your own computer and join the great ICQ community.
Use of the ICQ Groups Panel is subject to the Terms and Conditions
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dark_bullet CNN...a great news source.

dark_bullet Intellicast...Great weather and maps.

dark_bullet ICQ...a neat chat page.

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