
The receipes for over 140 drinks - in a database for your PalmOS device!

Read a raving review at eurocool - "Drinks" gets 4 out of 5 stars!

To use this database-file, you need a database aplication for your PalmOS device. This can be either "J-File" or "J-File Pro" from Land-J or MobileDB from Mobile Generation Software.

NEW (23.2.2000):
Download "drinks_jfp.zip" - the database file for J-File Pro (21 kB)

Download "drinks_jf.zip" - the database file for J-File (17 kB)

Download "drinks_mdbd.zip" - the database file for MobileDB (20 kB)

Available Fields are: Name, Contents, AddOns, Type, Glass and Notes. You can easily add your own receipes by using the (Add)-Button in J-File's overview window or the (New)-Button in MobileDB's-Recordlist.

Installation: Simply expand the download (it's a .zip-archive) and install the included .pdb to your PalmOS device.

Please note again: to use this file, you need the appropriate database application on your Palm device!

The database is a conversion from a Bartender's Database HTML File on the web; used with kind permission of the author. Conversion done by Thomas Waelti. Visit me at come.to/tw


website updated: February 2000