for the PalmOS: Drinks
Meine Diplomarbeit zu Verkehrsberuhigung und Lebensqualität in städtischen Wohnquartieren |
c'est moi
Destiny gave me the name of Thomas Wälti (There are another 20 or 30 of them in Switzerland, so I'm better identified by ... what? :-) I was born back in 1972. Living now in Bern, Switzerland. If you know something about the meaning of life, please tell me...I'm still trying to get the big picture... ;-) This is a legacy website, long abandoned. Check for current stuff...I spent most of the 90's studying at the Geographic
Institute of the University
of Bern. In Spring 1998, I passed my
final exams and became a "Diplom-Geograph"! Wooooahhh. So here I am,
M. Sc. While studying, I also had a job as webmaster/sysadmin for the EDK, the institute for the coordination of switzerland's education politics. There, I built up their website, including web-accessible relational databases (hey, this was a sensation back in 1996!). I also did all kinds of end-user support, training, analysing & programming and so on. From January 1999
to the Summer of 2001, I was Project Manager Communications at the Berne
Economic Development Agency (BEDA) and managing and producing site location
information and promotion for the Berne Capital Area. Go and visit BEDA's
website at
and see for yourself why Berne is precisely where your company needs
to be in Europe!
Since Autumn 2001, I'm working for Unisys (Switzerland) here in Bern as a Team and Project Manager in Software Developer. I'm happily married to Mona and have a lot of fun and loving with my two little kids - Louis was born in Spring 2003, Alina in December 2007. As for my hobbies ... I'm playing accoustic guitar (really bad playing, even including some "singing", but I like it never the less [just ask my wife]) and gaming flight-sims all night long. Fully equiped with a Thrustmaster SWF-22/TQS HOTAS, rudder pedals, GameCommander and a "body-shaker" chair, you can find me in the wonderful world of Microprose's Falcon 4.0, THE benchmark in military jet-sims. I also like Red Baron 3D MMP, flying as "tom" in the "WON - Enemy among us - Melee". I also used to spend many an evening with Counterstrike - this is addicitive! Check out my software for Falcon 4.0 and the PalmOS by clicking the links at the top of the page. Too see what brought me into flight-sims, download "Sopwitch Camel" - the mother off all flight-simming....
Thomas Wälti - Hangweg 92 - CH-3097 - Switzerland - Home Phone 031 352 0331 Mobile 076 399 4440- My ICQ status