My Resume

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Objective: Cartographer/Geographic Information System Specialist with a dynamic company which fosters creativity and growth in motivated team players dedicated to the company's success.


17+ Years Experience

Extensive Knowledge using ERDAS Imagine Software

Extensive Experience with Arc Info and AML

Experienced Manager


70th Engineer Company, U.S. Army, Fort Shafter, Hawaii
June 1998 to Present
Senior Topographic Supervisor.   Senior Cartographer in a 90+ person company. Evaluated training of soldiers in all aspects of topographic production including survey operations, terrain analysis, cartographic production, and map reporduction. Performed quality control of topographic products.
Defense Mapping School, U.S. Army, Fort Belvoir, Virginia
September 1995 to May 1998
Cartography Instructor.   Managed a 13 week Basic Cartography Course consisting of map base compilation, color separation, quality control, fundamentals of geographic information systems, and multispectral imagery processing and interpretation.  Students were military and civilian, representing all branches of service, the DoD, and allied nations, and were of varying ranks and positions.
70th Engineer Company, U.S. Army, Fort Shafter, Hawaii
September 1993 to August 1995
Cartographic Supervisor.  Performed supervisory management of a 48 person Cartographic Production Facility.  Managed production of topographic and digital mapping projects from cartographic processing through printing and delivery.  Performed quality control on all mapping products.   Responsible for the counseling and safety of all subordinates.  Responsible for the maintenance and accountability of over 10 million dollars worth of topographic production equipment.
29th Engineer Battalion, U.S. Army
Fort Shafter, Hawaii
March 1992 to August 1993
Cartographic Control Officer.   Responsible for the management of all topographic mapping projects produced by Army cartographic units throughout the Pacific.  Tracked the progress and supply use for projects.  Responsible for the counseling and saftey of five subordinates.
555th Engineer Company / 70th Engineer Company, U.S. Army
Fort Hood, Texas / Fort Shafter, Hawaii
February 1987 to February 1993
Cartographic Supervisor.  Performd supervisory management of a 12 person Cartographic Team.  Managed production of topographic and digital mapping projects.  Performed quality control on all cartographic products produced by the team.  Responsible for the counseling and safety of all subordinates.  Responsible for the maintenance and accountability of over 2 million dollars worth of topographic production equipment.
524th Engineer Company / 595th Engineer Company, U.S. Army
Fort Hood, Texas / Forth Shafter, Hawaii
March 1982 to January 1987
Cartographer. Performed compilation and color separation of topographic maps.  Used photogrammetric techniques to georeference aerial imagery for use in photomaps.  Performed typesetting for map products.


1990:  Central Texas College, Associates Degree, General Studies

1990-Present:  Hawaii Pacific University, Business Management

1996:  Environmental Systems Research Institute: Certificate, Introduction to ArcView GIS

1996:  Environmental Systems Research Institute: Certificate, Customizing Arc Info with AML

1996:  Environmental Systems Research Institute: Certificate, Advanced Arc Info

1996:  Defense Mapping School:   Certificate, Multispectral Imagery Processor Course

1996:  Environmental Systems Research Institute: Certificate, Military Applications using Arc Info

1996: Logicon/Geodynamics Spectral Imagery Training and Applications Center: Certificate, Spectral Imagery Processing Course

1995:  Environmental Systems Research Institute: Certificate, Introduction to Arc Info

1993:  Libby Noncommissioned Officer's Academy: Diploma, Advanced Leadership

1993:  Defense Mapping School: Certificate, Geographic Information Systems Course

1993:  Defense Mapping School: Certificate, Remotely Sensed Imagery Course

1987:  Defense Mapping School: Diploma, Advanced Cartography Course

1987:  Libby Noncommissioned Officer's Academy, Diploma, Small Organization Management Development

1985:  Defense Mapping School: Diploma, Analytical Photogrammetric Positioning Course

1984:  Pacific Command Noncommisioned Officer's Academy: Diploma, Principles of Leadership

1982:  Defense Mapping School:   Diploma, Basic Cartography Course

References available upon request.

email04.gif (1152 bytes) For questions or comments concerning this resume, contact Chris Jaeger.

Updated December 12, 1998