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Astronomy, Space & Earth


Track ISS (and other satellites) in real time here.

The Shuttle Discovery, STS-92, undocked from the Space Station and separated around 16:00 UT Oct 20, '00. The two vehicles were observed 17:07:04 UT passing the Stockholm meridian. ISS first, the Shuttle following a couple of degrees behind.

Thursday Nov 2,'00, the Space Station got its first crew, two russians and one american to stay for about four months.

The ground control assisted decay of the MIR Space Station took place on schedule March 23, 05:45 UT, '01 east of New Zealand.

Historic Asteroid landing Feb 12, 2001:

NEAR Shoemaker lands on Eros (433)

SUN & MOON__ Click for Stockholm Bromma, Sweden Forecast


Hubble's constant settled to 70km/s/Mpc +/- 10% !!!

HST-astronomers announced, in May 1999 the result of 8 years of measurements, which leads to the estimate that the age of the universe now narrows to ~12 billion years or somewhat older depending of the value of its mass density (more recent findings and conclusions are indicating an age of 13.7 billion years). Release

Galileo sees fountain of erupting lava on Io.

Mars Exploration... Mars vehicles etc.

Cassini safely in orbit around Saturn, June 30, 2004.

The descent, landing and function of Huygens on Titan, Jan 14 '05, a total success.

New Horizons on its way to Pluto. Successfully launched Jan 19, 2006.

--Mars Global Surveyor successfully launched Nov 7, 1996, at 17:00.50 UT. JPL

-- Mars Pathfinder launched Dec 4, '96, 06:58:10 UT. Scheduled arrival: 4th of July, 1997.

-- STS-81 launched on Jan 12, 1997, 09:27 UT. Fulfilled Mir rendez-vous mission successfully. Landed at KSC on Jan 22, 14:22:44 UTC.

-- STS-82 (HST-Service Mission) was successfully completed on Feb 21, 1997.

-- STS-83, Columbia, landed (early) on Tue, Apr 8, 18:33:11 UTC.

-- STS-84, Atlantis, landed May 24, 13:28 UT. (after Mir rendez-vous mission.)

-- STS-94, Columbia, landed July 17, 10:47 UT after a very successful mission.

-- STS-85, Discovery, landed on August 19 at 11:08 UT.

-- STS-86, Atlantis, landed safely Oct 06, 21:55 UT.

-- STS-87, Columbia, landed Dec 05, at 12:20 UT.

-- STS-89, Endeavour landed Jan 31, 1998, 10:35 UT after a successful mission.

-- STS-90, Columbia, landed safely on schedule May 3, 16:09 UT

-- STS-91, Discovery, landed successfully June 12, 18:00:05 UTC.

-- STS-95, Discovery, landed safely Nov 7, 1998, 17:03 UT.

--STS-88, Endeavour, landed Dec 15, 1998, 15:53 UT.

--STS-96, Discovery, landed June 06, 1999, 06:03 UT.

--STS-93, Columbia, landed safely July 28, 1999, 03:20 UT after a successful CHANDRA deployment mission.

--STS-103, Discovery, landed safely Dec 28, 1999, 00:01 UT after a HST Service Mission.

--STS-101, Atlantis, was launched May 19, 2000, 10:12 UT for an 11 days ISS mission.

--STS-106, Atlantis, landed safely Sep 20, 2000, 07:56 UT.

--STS-92, Discovery, landed safely Oct 24, 2000.

--STS-97, Endeavour, landed safely Dec 11, 2000.

--STS-98, Atlantis, landed Feb 20, 2001. 20:33 UT.

--STS-102, Discovery, landed Mar 21, 2001.

--STS-100, Endeavour, landed May 01, 2001, 16:11 UT.

--STS-104, Atlantis, landed July 25, 2001, 03:39 UT,

--STS-105, Discovery, landed Aug 22, 2001, 18:23 UT.

--STS-108, Endeavour, landed Dec 17, 2001, 17:55 UT.

--STS-109, Columbia, landed Mar 12, 2002, 09:32 UT.

-STS-110, Atlantis, landed Apr 19, 2002, 16:27 UT.

-STS-111, Endeavour, landed in Calif., Jun 19, 2002, 17:58 UT.

-STS-112, Atlantis, landed Oct 18, 2002, 15:44 UT.

-STS-113, Endeavour, landed Dec 07, 2002, 19:37 UT.

-STS-107, Columbia, disintegrated during re-entry. It broke up in pieces over Texas at around 14:00 UT, Feb 1, 2003. 7 crew deceased.

-STS-114, Discovery, landed safely Aug 9, 2005, 12:11:22 UT after a 14 day mission.

-STS-121, Discovery, landed safely July 17, 2006, 13:14:43 UT after a 13 day mission.

-STS-115, Atlantis, landed safely September 21, 2006, 10:21:00 UT after an 11 day mission to ISS.

-STS-116, Discovery, landed safely December 22, 2006, 22:32:12 UT after a 13 day mission to ISS.

-STS-117, Atlantis, landed safely at Edward's AF Base, June 22, 2007, 19:49:44 UT after a 14 day mission to ISS.

-STS-118, Endeavour, landed safely at KSC August 21, 2007, 16:32:16 UT after a 12 day mission to ISS.

-STS-120, Discovery, landed safely Nov 07, 2007, 18:01:18 UT after a 15 day mission to ISS.

-STS-122, Atlantis, landed safely Feb 20, 2008, 14:07:10 UT after a 12 day mission to ISS.

-STS-123, Endeavour, landed safely March 27, 2008, 00.39 UT after a 16 day ISS-mission.

-STS-124, Discovery, landed safely June 14, 2008, 15:15:19 UT after a 14 day mission to ISS.

-STS-126, Endeavour, landed safely Nov 30, 2008, 21:25 UT after a 16 day mission to ISS.

-STS-119, Discovery, landed safely March 28, 2009, 19:13:17 UT after a 13 day mission to ISS.

C/1996 Q1 (Tabur) came at its closest to the Earth (0.4AU) in early October.
Perihelion was passed at Nov 3, 1996 (see below). The rests now reside in Centaurus, if any. The comet did evidently undergo major changes, possibly did it brake up into pieces and will dissipate for good. Magnitude, just a couple of days before perihelion, ~9.4
See Comets Homepage link for details.

C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) - Was extremely interesting to watch during its path. It now resides in Octans/Mensa and the magnitude is only around +19.3 (S. Hemisphere)
The comet was at its closest to the Earth, March 22, 1997.
Perihelion at about 03:22 UT, Apr 1, 1997, when the spectacular comet of the year reached a magnitude close to - 1.

Clear skies?
MET8, vis.
Meteosat 5, IR
Night over Europe.

For download:
8 Queen Problem-solver
Pi expansion program
Equation Solver
Eclipse calculation program.


High Velocity Neutron Star
The Universe "Down Under".
Hubble Sees a Neutron Star Alone in Space.
Hubble's Upgrades - Massive Black Hole etc.
Hubble's Sharpest View of Mars
Jupiter, image of Io-transit
HST-images, picked by subject.

Links to other sites on the Web

Universal Time, UTC (Greenwich Mean Time)
NASA: Human Spaceflight.
Times Square, New York. (live video & audio)
Digitized Sky Survey etc.
Earthquake Info
Live Camera in Grasse, France.
Solar System Simulator.

Problem with 8 naked queens?

The earlier puzzle had to do with chess. The issue was how to place eight queens on the chessboard in such a way that none of them threatens another. The question was: In how many different ways (configurations or setups) can this be done?

Solution: 92 possibilities!

Even the great and famous C.F. Gauss arrived at the wrong solution - 76 ways - of this problem! Find out for yourself - download the 8 Queen Problem-solver above.

Guests since Oct 4, 1996.

Thanks for the visit!

Video - Boris and Bill

Outdoor view. Live video.

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