Ergo Intro
Definitions important to human factors & ergonomics
(based on Intro to HF)
is the study of human performance and its application to the design of technological
systems. The goal of this activity is to enhance productivity, safety, convenience and quality of
life. Example topics include models and theories of human performance, design and analytical
methodology, human-computer interface issues, environmental and work design, and physical
and mental workload assessment.
Areas of Ergonomics
- Physical ergonomics
Anthropometrics or
Excellent information about anthropometry can be found at the following
ErgoWeb WWW sites:
http://ergo web.mech.utah.edu/Pub/Info/Data/anthro.html
http://ergowe b.mech.utah.edu/Pub/Osha/Appb/add4.html
As Konz (1995; p. 110) points out, the term anthropometry comes from the
Greek anthropos (man) and metrein (to measure).
The following sentences from Sanders & McCormick (1992) define
anthropometry and engineering anthropometry for us:
"Anthropometry deals with the measurement of the dimensions and certain
other physical characteristics of the body such as volumes, centers of
gravity, inertial properties, and masses of body segments. ... There are
two primary types of body measurements: Static and dynamic (functional).
What is sometimes called engineering anthropometry is concerned with the
application of both types of data to the design of things people use."
(pp. 415-415)
- Biomechanics
- Health and Safety
- How are people physically part of a system?
- How can we design better systems to interact physically with people?
- Automotive ergonomics: Making sure that the driver can reach all of the controls, see and understand the dashboard displays, and feel comfortable in the seat.
- Cognitive ergonomics
- Human performance theory
- Engineering Psychology
- Engineering psychology, more commonly called human factors, applies
knowledge of human behavior and attributes to the design of products, equipment,
machines, and large-scale systems for human use. Areas of application include biomedical
engineering, environmental design, safety, consumer product design, and computer interface
- Behavioral decision theory
- How are people mentally (cognitively) part of a system?
- How can we design systems to support better mental functioning?
- Macroergonomics
is concerned with the research, design,
development, and application of organization-machine interface technology.
Macroergonomics is the third generation of ergonomics, where the first
generation was characterized by human-machine interface technology and the
second generation was characterized by user-interface technology.
Macroergonomics or "human-organization-environment-machine interface
technology" has emerged in order to interface organizational design with
technology to optimize human-system functioning. Macroergonomics is a
top-down sociotechnical systems approach to the design of organizations,
work systems, and jobs and considers four interrelated subsystems: the
personnel subsystem, technological subsystem, organizational structure and the
external environment. The goal of macroergonomics is a fully harmonized work
system at both the macro- and micro-ergonomic level which results in
improved productivity, job satisfaction, health and safety, and employee
- How do organizational constraints affect human-machine systems
- What factors come into play when people work together in groups?
- Space Human Factors: Designing systems that are "user friendly" for space exploration.

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