Occupational Health
and Safety

Homepage of Gary A. McKinney, MS, MT(ASCP)COHC

This page is always under construction.

Welcome to my homepage. Here you'll find some information about employee safety and health, some pictures of my old Cadillacs, and various assorted bits and pieces.

I'm an Industrial Hygienist as well as a Clinical Laboratory Scientist and registered Medical Technologist. I'm also a Certified Occupational Hearing Conservationest. I earned a B.S. degree in Medical Technology from the West Virginia University School of Medicine in 1972 and a Master's Degree in Occupational Health and Safety Engineering from the West Virginia University College of Engineering in 1997. After many years of working in hospitals, I now work for the U. S. Government helping to provide a safer, healthier workplace for America's workers. For more information about my professional career, check out my resume.

Please look around my pages, check out the links, and enjoy the pictures. Leave me a note in my guestbook if you have the time. And come back now and again to see what's new.

Links to other sites on the Web

A neat measurement units calculator.
Medical management guidelines for chemical exposures.
Relocation salary calculator.
Weather radar, forecasts, satellite views.
WVU College of Engineering and Mineral Resources (CEMR)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
MSDS Information Updated Link
Occupational Safety and Health Standards Part 1910 - General Industry
Occupational Safety and Health Standards Part 1926 - Construction
American Industrial Hygiene Association Home Page
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

My hobbies:

My favorite hobby is old cars.  I currently have two beautiful Cadillacs, a 1950 Series 62 coupe (a two-door hardtop), and a 1966 Eldorado convertible.  I have several pictures of both on my Cadillac page.

Take a look at some pictures

View My Cadillac Pages

Cody's Page

The First Annual CML Pence Springs Get-Away

A few more pictures

And here are some more pics!

Take a look at some pics of the 1999 Charleston Sternwheel Regatta!

Here are some pictures from my visit to Hawks Nest State Park

Pictures from CML Pence Springs 2000

Here are some links to a few of my favorite Cadillac web sites:

Rik's Cadillac Page
Reuben's Classic Cadillac Page
Dave Morgan's Cadillac Page
The Cadillac-LaSalle Club Homepage
Paul Talsethagen's Cadillac Page

If you have any suggestions for the content of this page, please e-mail me.

Please come back often to see what new and interesting information I have to share.

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© 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Gary A. McKinney

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