A Chemist's Eclectica: Helium & Other Stuff
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Science Magazine's Science Safari
[20 December 97]
NASA's Humans in Space Site - The Rigors of SpaceTravel
- NASA's Planetary Photojournal Site - Postcard Photos from Other Planets
- University of California Museum of Paleontology - Dinosaurs and More
- American Chemical Society's ChemCenter - National Chemistry Week
- LANL's Periodic Table - The Elements in Hypertext
- USGS's Volcano Hazards Program - The Safe Way to Explore Live Volcanoes
- Science News Online - If You Can't Wait to Read the News of the Scientific World
- NOAA's Geostationary Satellite - A Heavenly Perspective on Earth's Natural Disasters
- NOAA's El Niño Update - All We Know About the Current El Niño
- LBNL's Particle Data Group's Site - Quark, Leptons, Neutrinos, and Other Minutiae
- Chris Caldwell's Prime Page - Prime Numbers, That Is
- U. of St. Andrews in Fife, Scotland - Mathematical History and Biographies
- University of Sidney's Virtual Reef - Life, Sex, and Death in the Sea
- MSU's Microbe Zoo - A Virtual Visit to the Microscopic World All Around Us
- HHMI's Genetic Trail - Applied Genetics, Post-Mendelian Style
- Environmental Concepts Made Easy - Highlights of Current Research
- Thomas Legislative Information - What The Government is Doing To/For Us
- DHHS's Healthfinder - Disease Info and Links
- NIH's Health Information Page - The National CyberLibrary of Medicine
- Shapeup America - Calculate Your Fitness and Design Your Own Recovery Program
- Washington U.'s Mad Scientist Network - Talk to the Experts
- University of Wisconson's Why? Files - The Science Behind the News
Tom is an eclectic, self-styled "non-linear thinker" who often
writes of himself in the third person. (He says an ego the size
of his should be approached only at a distance.)
He is currently "helping" the Federal government as Lead Chemist (resume)
with the Department of the Interior's Helium Operation. He is
interested in the Present, the Future, and the Past (in that order). He claims skills
in mathematics, physics, and chemistry (he has degrees in 2 out of 3).
He likes to play with cryptography, puzzles, and real mysteries.
He says he knows:
- where Emperor Maximilian's treasure is
- where Excalibur was last seen (in the 12th century)
- how to deactivate radioisotopes without a nuclear reactor
- how to produce isotopically pure Helium-4 (less than 1 ppb Helium-3) in commercial quantities
- how to produce a weave {bulletproof polyester?} that will make fabric 50% stronger
(His next major addition to this site is planned to be a page on Maximilian's treasure!)
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