I'm glad you are here. Please navigate on this pages freely and have fun!
This is a page for friends, for exchange some opinions, to share interests. Here you are
going to find something about me, the plane my father is building, some Space and
Aviation Links and maybe some fun.
Don't forget visit the Friend's Home Pages Links.
Visit the Photo Album with more and new pictures. I make
thumbnails with the photo link, so you can see it the actual size. I hope you
like it!.
If you are an aviation lover, go to the Aviation in Sinaloa or
Aviation in Mexico, and see the old photos of planes and history.
Leovigildo Straskrofgret is here! Review his
Biografy and learn about his life! Be careful at this page!
Go to the Baja 1000 Challenge for Ultralights
and read the review of the race!
I put banners on the pages to link to some other pages inside this site.
Feel at Home, sign any of my Guestbooks. Go to the Survey and send it!