Dear MMSDG member:
Our next meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2000 ANACHEM/SAS symposium on Thursday November 16. The meeting is at the Burton Manor located at 27777 Schoolcraft, Livonia, MI (directions at the end of the announcement). This year the mass spectrometry session will be an all day session and will focus on technologies. Six instrument vendors will be giving presentations on different aspects of mass spectrometry as well as their currently available instrumentation and software products. The vendors will have informational booths and will be available during the day for one-on-one discussions with you. Since the vendors will be in one location, this will be a perfect opportunity for you to discuss with them any instrument or application needs you may have. It will also be a good opportunity to learn about other technologies that you may not currently be using. For graduate students, this is a great time to begin networking with mass spectrometrists in the field.
The 1999 ANACHEM award winner and keynote speaker is Dr. Steve Stein of NIST. Steve is the award recipient for his contributions to the NIST Mass Spectrometry Library and Search programs. Many of you use his products in your daily work.
The following is the schedule of presentations at the meeting.
8:00 AM
FTMS Bruker
New Techniques and Applications Using Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry: A Life Science Tool; Dr. J. Paul Speir
8:40 AM
Triple quadrupole instrumentation ThermoQuest
Advancing high performance triple stage quadrupole and Ion Trap mass spectrometry for proteomic and metabolic analysis; Dr. Rohan Thakur
9:20 AM
Orthogonal Acceleration Time-of-Flight Micromass
Principles of Orthogonal Acceleration Time of Flight; Dr. Jason Wildgoose
10:00 AM
Break for discussions and walking through the exhibits
11:00 AM
Plenary Lecture
Dr. Steve Stein
12:00 Noon
1:00 PM
MALDI/TOF Applied BioSystems
MALDI Mass Spectrometry in the Post-Genomic Era; Dr. Kathleen Lewis
1:40 PM
Ion Traps Agilent
Analytical Applications of a Benchtop Ion Trap LC/MS Employing Non-linear Resonance Ion Ejection; Dr. Alexander B. Schilling
2:20 PM
Data Processing LECO
Enhancements in Data Processing of Chromatographic Data Resulting from the Use of Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry; Dr. Brian Pack
3:00 PM
Poster session and wine/cheese reception
Pre-registration has begun. The registration fee is $40 ($15 for students and retirees) and includes materials, a continental breakfast, lunch, instrument exhibits, workshops, and a wine/cheese reception during the poster presentations. A registration form can be found on the ANACHEM web site ( (note there is an underscore between Detroit and Chemists). I can also fax you a registration form if you send me your fax number. Pre-registration is through November 7. Registration at the door will be cost slightly more.
The Burton Manor is located at 27777 Schoolcraft between Inkster and Middlebelt Rds. Its on the south side of the I-96 service drive. Schoolcraft is a divided service drive for I-96 with the eastbound lanes on the south side and the westbound lanes on the north side. Coming from the east, take I-96 (Jeffries Expressway) west and exit at Inkster Rd. Continue west on the service drive about 1 block. Turn left at the expressway overpass to Burton Manor. Coming from the west, exit at Middlebelt Rd. and take the I-96 eastbound service drive to Burton Manor.
Please click for an active
to Burton Manor in Livonia, MI.
Please call if there are any questions. See you in November!
Dana DeJohn
Tracy Stevenson
Pfizer Global R&D
2800 Plymouth Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Tel. 734-622-7135
Fax. 734-622-2716
As usual, if anyone would like to host a future meeting or have suggestions for speakers, please contact Dana DeJohn (734) 622-7135 or myself.
Tracy I. Stevenson
Parke-Davis Pharmaceutical. Research
2800 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: 734-622-3898 Fax: 734-622-2716
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