Dr. J. Throck Watson, MSU
Dr. J. Allison, MSU
Dr. J. Holland, MSU
Dr. C. Sweeley, MSU
Dr. Fred McLafferty, Cornell
Joe Keenajhan, VG
Dr. Keith Olson, GM
Dr. Michael Gross, Univ. of Nebraska
Dr. Bernd Wenclawiak, Univ. of Toledo
Dow Chemical
Dr. Alan Marshall, Ohio St. University
Dr. Victor Parr, VG
Dr. David Lubman, Univ. of MI
Dr. Don Hunt, Univ. of Virginia
Dr. Yauiro Itagake, JEOL
Dr. Bob Voyksner, Rsearch Triangle Institute
Dr. David G. Kaiser, UpJohn
George Yefchak, MSU and Meridian Instruments
Paul O'Connor, Dow Chemical Co.
University of Michigan
Dr. Robert P. Lattimer, B.F. Goodrich R&D
Wayne State Univeristy
Dr. Lubo Baczynsky, Upjohn Co.
Dow Corning
Dr. Ron Tecklenburg, Dow Corning
Dr. Colin Moore, Kratos
Dr. David Grinstass, Vestec Corp.
Dr. Joe Campana, President, Extrel FTMS
Dr. Bob Levis, Prof. Dept. of Chemistry,WSU
Dr. Lubo Baczynsky, Upjohn Co.
Steve Lowes, VG BioTech
Parke-Davis Pharmaceutical Research
Prof. Catherine Fenselau, Chem. & Biochem. Dept., UMBC
Dr. Marvin Vestal, Vestec Co.
Michigan State University
Dr. Rick Chapman, President, Finnigan Corp.
Ford Scientific Research
Dr. Tom Voice, MSU
Dr. Paul Kelly, Teledyne
Dr. Richard Rediske, W.W. Engineering & Science
Prof. R. Graham Cooks, Purdue
Michigan State University
Dr. Jack Holland, MSU and Meridian Inst.
Dr. Tom Behymer, EPA
Prof. Kevin Shey, Pharm. Dept., MUSC
Dr. Rachel Orgorzalek Loo, Protein & Carbohydrate Structure Facility, U of M
Ford Scientific Research
Dr. David Laude, Univ. of Texas
Parke-Davis Pharmaceutical Research
Prof. Alan Marshall, Florida State Univ.
Andrew Wood, Michigan Molecular Institute
Dr. Rohan Tthakur, ThermoQuest
Dr. Joseph Loo, Parke-Davis Pharm. Res.
Dr. Dale Patterson, PE PerSeptive Biosystems, Inc.
Anachem Symposium
Dr. John Rountree, Micromass, Inc.
Dr. Greg Kilby, Parke-Davis Pharm. Res.
Dr. J. Throck Watson, MSU
Dr. Phillip Savickas, Dow Chemical
Dr. Mary T. Rodgers, WSU
Dr. Gary Kruppa, Bruker FTMS Instruments
Anachem Symposium
Robert Ludwig, MSP, Toxicology Subunit
Dr. Richard Scheel, Michigan Dept. of Community Health
Dr. Stephen R. Shrader, Shrader Analytical & Consulting Laboratories
Dr. William R. Mathews, Pharmacia & Upjohn
Anachem Symposium
Dr. J. Paul Speir, Bruker
Dr. Rohan Thakur, ThermoQuest
Dr. Jason Wildgoose, Micromass
Dr. Kathleen Lewis, Applied BioSystems
Dr. Alex Schilling, Agilent
Dr. Brian Pack, LECO
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