Computer Accessories
KWIK CUTS. This patented device 'self sticks' to the tractor feet of continuous paper feed computer printers. The blade portion separates the perforated edge from the paper as it is fed through the printer. Any business with a continuous paper feed printer would benefit from this invention. Display it next to the cartons of paper in any office products store. The device can be made of injection molded plastic.
Any ideas/offers for manufacture will be appreciated. Send e-mail to vic123@primenet.com
LAPTOP OFFICE IN A SUITCASE ! My invention is a suitcase that carries a laptop and accessories, but
acts as a table for the laptop, supplies, and papers. When the suitcase
open it reveals a flat working surface that four legs, hidden inside
suitcase, can then be screwed to the bottom. If you are interested,
myself at khoffa44@hotmail.com
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