Shadow the Cat's Homepage
Breed and Species
This is my cat, Shadow. He is a black and grey tiger-striped domestic
American shorthair cat, species Felis catus catus. Here, for your
reading enjoyment, is the rest of his taxonomic information:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Felis
Species: catus
Subspecies: catus
Eating Habits
Shadow is a very picky eater. Like most cats, he won't eat just anything.
Basically all he will eat is cat food, and also meat and dairy products.
I only feed him cat food, but I occasionally let him try a small taste of
something else. Here is a list of the other foods that I have so far
discovered that Shadow will eat:
Black Olives Strangely enough, this is practically the only thing my dog, Sparky, won't eat
Checkers' spicy fries
By the way, besides it not being very good for him, the reason why I never
feed Shadow any more than just a tiny taste of these things is because he
has a tender tummy, and I don't particularly enjoy cleaning up after he has
engaged in reverse peristalsis.
Here are a few statistics about Shadow's current lifestyle. Hopefully this
is still accurate :)
Cat Food: Friskies
Litter Box: LitterMaidTM Automatic Self-Cleaning Litter Box
Favorite Places to Sleep: By sliding glass door, mom's computer chair, couch pillows, mom's bed
Favorite Place to be Scratched: Behind his ears
Purrs Most Often: While being fed

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