Hello! I am Tornado, and welcome to my home page. My interests include
programming, electronics, medical science, meteorology, engineering, and
cats. My favorite pastimes are playing the drums, composing music, reading,
listening to music, watching TV, learning new things, surfing the net, eating,
sleeping, breathing, and thinking.
Sorry I haven't updated this site in so long. I've just been busy with other things.
Here's what happened to me in the last three years:
Here are some of the other pages I have so far created. I have tried to keep
useful content to a minimum, in order to conserve bandwidth.
The Odd Meter Appreciation Page
Tornado's Hurricane Collection What?!
The LeMuR Page
GAME: SubIntima, the Journey Through the Human Bloodstream
My Current Favorite Color
Some of my other favorite things
My amazing Rubber Band Ball
Shadow the Cat's Homepage
Well, now that you know me better, let's get down to business. First, let us
address the question of why you are here. Is it because you share a common
interest with me? If so, then here are a few links that you may find particularly
pleasing to your cortex. And do email me, won't you?
And here are some mind-bogglingly useful sites.
And if you just want to have fun, here are a few links you might enjoy.
And for those of you who (like me) are just a little bit crazy, here are some
pretty wacky links.
Gee, if you've gotten this far, you must really like my home page. If you
have any suggestions on how I could improve my little corner of cyberspace,
or if you have any complaints about anything (please, be gentle :) then feel
free to drop me a line.