The Internet Index

A list of links organized by subject, mainly oriented to reference sites, libraries, philosophy, Internet, computers and free software, also dealing with several more subjects

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Basic concepts of the Internet (in Italian - updated Oct. 17, 1999)
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Applications of databases in libraries (in Italian - updated Jan. 6, 1999)
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Ten theses in philosophy of mind (in English - updated Dec. 1 1996)
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This page has been accessed times from August 6th, 1996

This version of The Internet Index has been automatically generated on 08.05.2002 10:29:41 GMT +1 and contains 388 subjects and 1630 URLs ( 4,20103092783505 URLs per subject)

Subject Index

Notice that data have been relocated into a separate file referred to by the Subject Index
Africa (2)Africa - art (1)Agriculture (1)
Alaska (1)Analytic philosophy (2)Anatomy (3)
Ancient and rare books (3)Ancient and rare books - sales (2)Aquinas (2)
Art (6)Artificial intelligence (1)Asia (1)
Astrology (1)Astronomy (4)Astrophysics (1)
Australia (1)Bach, Johann Sebastian (3)Bangladesh (1)
Baptist religion (1)Beatles (1)Benedectines (2)
Berlin (2)Bible (in Italian) (2)Bible (in Slovak) (1)
Bible - New Textament (in Greek) (1)Bibliography (7)Bibliography - Italy (3)
Biology (3)Biotechnology (2)Books (1)
Books - Middle Age (1)Bookstores (7)Business (2)
Business - directories (7)Business - Italy (1)Callas, Maria (1)
Cancer (4)Carmelitans (1)Carnivorous plants (1)
Cars (10)Catholic religion (53)CD-ROM - free distribution (1)
CDS-ISIS (30)Celtic mythology (1)Characters coding - standards (1)
Cheese (1)Childrens (1)China (1)
Chomsky, Noam (1)Christian religion (3)Christmas (1)
Church music (1)City maps (1)Civil rights (1)
Classical music (9)Coffee (1)Colombia (1)
Comics (2)Community networks (1)Computer companies (3)
Computer games (4)Computer graphics (3)Computer graphics - formats - TIFF (1)
Computer music (2)Computer networks (5)Computer networks - distribuited systems - standards and protocols - CORBA (2)
Computer networks - distribuited systems - standards and protocols - DCOM (1)Computer networks - file sharing - software - Samba (1)Computer networks - Intranets (1)
Computer networks - peer-to-peer systems (1)Computer networks - security and privacy (51)Computer networks - software - Windows - development (1)
Computer networks - standards and protocols (3)Computer networks - standards and protocols - ADSL (1)Computer networks - standards and protocols - Ethernet (1)
Computer networks - standards and protocols - ISDN (1)Computer networks - standards and protocols - T.120 (1)Computer networks - standards and protocols - TCP/IP (1)
Computer networks - standards and protocols - WAP (1)Computer programming (4)Computer programming - algorithms (1)
Computer programming - client-server architecture (1)Computer programming - languages - C/C++ (3)Computer programming - languages - compilers and interpreters (1)
Computer programming - languages - Delphi (1)Computer programming - languages - Envelop (1)Computer programming - languages - Icon (2)
Computer programming - languages - Java (15)Computer programming - languages - Javascript (11)Computer programming - languages - Netrexx (2)
Computer programming - languages - object oriented (1)Computer programming - languages - Pascal (1)Computer programming - languages - Perl (5)
Computer programming - languages - PHP (5)Computer programming - languages - Prolog (1)Computer programming - languages - Python (1)
Computer programming - languages - Tcl (2)Computer programming - languages - Visual Basic (5)Computer science (12)
Computer science - standards (1)Computer science - terminology (5)Computer security (4)
Computer viruses (4)Computers (28)Computers - assembling (1)
Computers - CPU (2)Computers - CPU - MMX technology (1)Computers - history (7)
Conscientious objection (1)Cookery (1)Cosmology (1)
Cultural heritage (3)Data encryption (5)Databases - free hosting services (2)
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (10)Deutsche Demokratische Republik - information technology (4)Disabled (2)
Documentation (2)DTP (2)DVD (1)
Earth data (1)Ecology (2)Ecuador (1)
Education (2)Einstein, Albert (1)Electronic documents - indexing (1)
Electronic magazines - bibliography (1)Electronic publishing - bibliography (1)Electronic texts (1)
Electronics (3)Email (3)Email - free services (23)
Email - search engines (3)Emulators (5)Encyclopedias (3)
Environment (3)Exoterism (1)Fashion (1)
Firewalls (4)Fractals (1)Francesco : d'Assisi (1)
Free/open source software (9)Free/open source software - geographic information systems (1)Freebies (3)
Geography (1)Geology (1)Hackers (6)
Hi-Fi (4)History (1)Hong Kong (1)
Horses (1)Hypertextual documents - standards and protocols - SGML (1)Hypertextual literature (1)
India - economy (1)Information retrieval (5)Information retrieval - applications - GLIMPSE (1)
Information retrieval - applications - Hukilau 2 (1)Information retrieval - applications - ICE (1)Information retrieval - applications - SWISH (2)
Information retrieval - applications - Z39.50 clients (1)Information retrieval - standards and protocols - ANSI Z39.50 (3)Information retrieval - standards and protocols - WAIS (2)
Information technology (6)Information technology - manuals (2)Intellectual property (1)
International cooperation (1)Internet (25)Internet - archives (2)
Internet - bibliography (1)Internet - content rating and filtering (9)Internet - documentation (14)
Internet - fax services (5)Internet - history (1)Internet - intelligent agents (2)
Internet - lists, directories and portals (91)Internet - network tools services (6)Internet - privacy (3)
Internet - providers - Italy (3)Internet - providers - Italy - free access (1)Internet - search engines (86)
Internet - search engines - WAIS (3)Internet - search help (2)Internet - software (4)
Internet - standards and protocols - Hyper-G (1)Internet - standards and protocols - IRC (2)Internet - standards and protocols - NTP (2)
Internet - statistics (8)Israel (1)Italy (6)
Italy - economy (2)Italy - government (1)Italy - parliament (1)
Italy - political parties (1)Japan (1)Job searching (9)
Korea (south) - economy (1)Kuwait (1)Languages (2)
Languages - dictionaries (1)Law (4)Law - Italy (3)
Leipzig (4)Leopardi, Giacomo (1)Librarianship (5)
Libraries (49)Libraries - Australia (1)Libraries - catalogs (51)
Libraries - catalogs - data exchange - formats - MAB (1)Libraries - catalogs - data exchange - formats - MARC (2)Libraries - catalogs - telnet interface (6)
Libraries - catalogs - WWW interface (1)Libraries - France (1)Libraries - Holland (1)
Libraries - ILL (1)Libraries - Italy (2)Libraries - OPACs (2)
Libraries - technology (5)Libraries - technology - Open Source software (2)Literature (2)
Literature - electronic texts (2)Logic (5)London - museums (1)
Macintosh (12)Mailing lists (4)Mailing lists - Italy (1)
Mailing lists - search engines (2)Mathematics (4)Medicine (3)
Medieval manuscripts (1)Metaphysics (1)Military policy (1)
Modems (1)Mongolia (1)Mormonism (1)
Moscow (1)Motor races (3)Motorcycles (1)
Movie (3)Movie - monsters - Godzilla (1)Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1)
Museums (1)Museums - Italy (2)Music (5)
Music - digital fornats - Mp3 (3)Music CD - sale (2)National libraries (1)
Natural history (1)Network computer (4)Neural networks (1)
Newsgroups (6)Newsgroups - search engines (1)Non-profit organisations (2)
Off-road vehicles (1)Online books - free (1)Opera (7)
Operating systems (3)Operating systems - BeOS (1)Operating systems - bobOS (1)
Operating systems - DOS (2)Operating systems - DOS - software (1)Operating systems - DOS Minuet (1)
Operating systems - Epoc 32 (2)Operating systems - FreeBSD (2)Operating systems - Freedows (1)
Operating systems - FreeVMS (1)Operating systems - JavaOS (1)Operating systems - Linux (93)
Operating systems - Lunix (1)Operating systems - Minix (1)Operating systems - Nachos (1)
Operating systems - NetBSD (1)Operating systems - OpenBSD (1)Operating systems - OpenVMS (1)
Operating systems - OS/2 (8)Operating systems - OS/2 - device drivers (1)Operating systems - OS/2 - software (1)
Operating systems - QNX (1)Operating systems - ReactOS (1)Operating systems - SCO Unix - software (1)
Operating systems - TSX-32 (1)Operating systems - Unix (4)Operating systems - Unix - Motif (1)
Operating systems - Unix - X Windows (2)Operating systems - V2_OS (1)Operating systems - Windows (9)
Operating systems - Windows - device drivers (1)Operating systems - Windows - software (2)Operating systems - Windows 95 (10)
Operating systems - Windows 95 - software (1)Operating systems - Windows CE (1)Operating systems - Windows NT (4)
Paranormal phaenomena (1)Patents - Brazil (1)Patents - Europe (1)
Patents - USA (1)Peirce, Charles Saunders (1)Peru (1)
Philosophy (16)Philosophy - electronic texts (1)Philosophy of mind (3)
Philosophy of mind - bibliography (1)Philosophy of religion (2)Philosophy of science (2)
Photography (38)Photography - Pentax K mount (1)Photography - Rollei 35 (2)
Plantinga, Alvin (2)Professional associations (1)Psycology (3)
Publishers (1)Publishers - Italy (2)Railways - Germany (1)
Railways - Italy (2)Relational database managment systems - applications - Postgres SQL (1)Religion (7)
Religion - Africa (1)Religion - America (1)Robotics (2)
Rock music (1)Roma (1)Rostock (1)
Russia (1)Sale catalogs (1)Sardegna (1)
Science (10)Science fiction (2)Semiconductors (1)
Shopping (1)Singapore - museums (1)Social sciences (1)
Social sciences - subject gateways (1)Software (4)Software - freeware (3)
Software - FTP servers (45)Software - installation (1)Software - lists and directories (7)
Software - patches (1)Software - sale (3)Software - search engines (12)
Software - shareware (11)Sousa, John Philip (1)Standards (1)
Supercomputing (4)Technology (1)Thesauri (1)
Time measurement (3)Translation services (1)Travel information (1)
Travels (1)Travels - flight (1)UFO (2)
United Nations (1)Urban legends (2)Venezia (1)
Virtual reality - standards and protocols - VRML (8)Wagner, Richard (1)Weather (1)
Web based training (1)Wine (1)Wine - Italy (2)
Wine - Piemonte (1)Women (5)WWW (7)
WWW - browsers (3)WWW - cookies (3)WWW - development (19)
WWW - development - ActiveX (1)WWW - development - CGI (5)WWW - development - colors (1)
WWW - development - HTML editors (1)WWW - development - testing (1)WWW - file storage services (3)
WWW - gateways to databases (1)WWW - hosts (1)WWW - hosts - Australia (1)
WWW - hosts - Brazil (1)WWW - hosts - Italy (4)WWW - hosts - Japan (1)
WWW - indexing (3)WWW - indexing systems (1)WWW - publishing (1)
WWW - servers (7)WWW - servers - Apache (3)WWW - site housing (17)
WWW - site managment (2)WWW - site promotion (7)WWW - standards and protocols - Dynamic HTML (3)
WWW - standards and protocols - HTML (17)