House Steiner
In time honored fashion, the
Lyran Commonwealth honors it's heroes
with medals, ribbons, and pins. In addition to
awards from the greater Commonwealth government, each unit has special commendations for
soldiers that have performed far above duty's call in their portion of the realm. Most
major awards also include an endowment of land or money.
Commendations of the
War College of Tamar
HS cadet jump ready badge:
-Awarded to cadets who have shown proficiency in use of jump capable mechs
HS cadet marksman badge:
-Awarded to cadets who have satisfactorily shown ability to use mech mounted weaponry in
all three categories (ballistic, energy, missile).
HS-cadet engineer badge:
-Awarded to cadets who have demonstrated the ability to properly manage their mech's
functions (heat) during combat, and shown at least marginal knowledge of mech design &
Tamar Graduate badge:
-Awarded to each cadet upon certification as a mechwarior at the completion of coursework
at the War College of Tamar.
Tamar badge of Excellence:
-Occasionally, a class may produce a cadet that excels in all categories of study above
all other cadets. That cadet is awarded, by the faculty of Tamar, the badge of excelence.
This award is also generally accompanied by the cadet being allowed to pick his/her first
Special Awards of
Individual Units
The Honor of Skye:
-The Duke of Skye awards this medal to any soldier serving in or with the Skye Rangers who
has shown exceptional bravery while defending a planet within the Federation of Skye. The
medal depicts an ancient Scottish warrior brandishing a claymore. It is made from gold and
is worn on an emerald green ribbon.
Knight's Order of the Guard:
-Soldiers of the Lyran Guard, who perform acts of outstanding heroism are awarded the
Knight's order of the Guard. It is generally accompanied by a land grant, and the
recipient may be addressed with the title "Sir" at formal events.
Commendations of the LCAF
Lyran Commonwealth
Armed Forces
(House Steiner)
House Steiner
Legion of Meritorious Service:
This is a commendation for warriors whose actions have exemplified & upheld the
Steiner Code, even & especially in the face of adversity.
McKennsy Ground Pounders Medal :
For Enlisted pesonnel (NCO's)
Valorous action in combat.
(Have you ever had a wing that didn't go for a kill, & rather came over & took
allot of fire from your target, thus, saving your hide and allowing you to trash your
bogey? Well here is something for the warrior that acts for the good of the team rather
than just racking up personal kills.)
Lyran Commonwealth recruiting
Medal :
Here is something for those hard core recruiters
The Commonwealth Medal of Honor:
The Commonwealth Medal of Honor is the highest award the Archon can give to an individual.
It honors any soldier in the LCAF who, by his actions, somehow snatches victory from the
jaws of defeat. The medal is a large silver disk with a single gold star upon it. It hangs
from a gold bar made of three pieces, each symbolizing one of the three allied domains
comprising the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth Medal of Honor has three grades; diamond
clusters, gold oak leaf clusters, and silver bars.
LCAF Unit citation of Merit:
Outstanding achievement as a unit
NOTE: this is ribbon format only
House Steiner Letter of
Lance commanders, and force commanders may award warriors under their command with a
Letter of Commendation. The award of the ribbon is accompanied by a letter from the
warrior's C.O. chronicling the actions of the recipient. This is often used as a tool to
let warrior's know they are on the track toward promotion, although the actual conditions
of award are up to the discretion of the Force Commander.
Knight's Cross to the Order of
The Knight's Cross to the Order of Tharkad, is traditionally awarded to senior command
staff officers only, but has been awarded on rare occasion to valiant warriors who come to
the aid of the Archon in a great hour of need. The Knight's Cross is accompanied by a land
grant from the Archon's own personal holdings neighboring the Palace on Tharkad.
This is a great symbol of the Archon's deepest gratitude for loyal and exemplary service.
This badge is presented to warriors who have completed the training for, and demonstrated
an extreme degree of proficiency in mech gunnery.
Each campaign that House Steiner embarks upon, is denoted with it's own ribbon, so that
members of the LCAF may have a visible reminder of the debt owed to them by the
commonwealth, that can not possibly be repaid. Often stars are pinned on the ribbon to
represent solo mech kills during that campaign. - 5 kills,
-1 kill.
Kala Oya
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at
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