The 1998 Storm Season

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1995: Hurricane Marilyn, 12-22 September, developed in the central Atlantic after moving off the African coast. Marilyn strengthened from a tropical depression to a hurricane in 10 hours. Marilyn devastated portions of the U.S. Virgin Islands when it hit that area as a Category 2 hurricane, killing eight. After moving north and getting sheared to oblivion, the remnant circulation meandered over the central tropical Atlantic Ocean for another 10 days before becoming absorbed in a frontal system. At peak intensity, Marilyn's maximum sustained winds were 115 mph with a central pressure of 949 milibars.
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1997 Tropical Overview
Ana a weak frontal system off the SE coast
Bill developed into a hurricane over cool waters
Claudette another weak frontal system off the SE coast
Danny made landfall near Mobile, Alabama
Erika the only major hurricane of 1997
Fabian a weak mid-latitude tropical system
Grace a gale which evolved into a tropical system

1998 Facts Thus Far
Over a 35 day period from August 19th to September 23rd, ten tropical cyclones formed.

Georges, Ivan, Jeanne, and Karl were the first four hurricanes to church in the Atlantic at one time since 1893.

Tropical Storm Jeanne was named the third furthest east of any system ever.

At maximum intensity of 150 mph, Georges ws the 25th strongest hurricane of those 500 to form before him. A hurricane of that magnitiude only develops once every 3 to 4 years in the Atlantic.