A Little Background About The Club

The club is a non-profit organization made up of r/c pilots from various cities around St. Louis County in Northern Minnesota. Our field is located about 4 miles South of the Mt. Iron Dairy Queen on County Road #7. Then at the sign that says, "R/C Field" on County Road #372, (Sheldon Junction Rd.) you turn left. About 1 mile down the road you will find the field. We welcome both spectators and pilots of all ages to come and watch and fly with us. You do have to meet a few minor requirements before we will allow you to fly alone. Other than that you are more than welcome to fly, so stop by and pay us a visit. If you are new to the hobby, there are always members willing to give advise on a good trainer to purchase then teach you how to fly. We usually fly everyday (weather permitting) around noon until 4:00 PM, and third Tuesday evenings from about noon until 6:30 PM. Then we have a short meeting. Flying starts again after the meeting. If you would like more information about the club or the hobby, you may contact President Tony Kostanko at (218)749-8276 or Sec./Editor Pat Doran at (218)741-5681, or attend our monthly meeting on every third Tuesday of the month at 3:00 PM in the Gethsemane Lutheran Church in the winter and at the field in the summer. We have about 20 members at this time and they are all members of the AMA.

 Map from Virginia, MN to Flying Field

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