Welcome to yet ANOTHER W.E.N. page, I am trying to separate my interests
so you will probably find a lot of these before it's over!!
These links will be mainly of a radio theme [scanners,Amateur Radio,Shortwave...etc...]
I have been an Amateur radio operator for about 9 years now and it is a
great hobby. If you want more information about Amateur radio than I have
on this page, please send me an e-mail and I will try to get you the information
you are looking for.
I live in Pennsylvania U.S.A., I am a General class operator, and my callsign
is N3WEN. If you are an Amateur radio operator and are ever in the Pittsburg
area, give me a call on the 147.090 repeater [the club link is the North
Hills Amateur Radio Club link].

Amateur Radio News
QRZ Callsign Database
Real Audio Fire & Police calls!!
Top 100 Radio Scanner Sites
North Hills Amateur Radio Club [Pittsburg,PA]
Satellite Tracking Elements from N.A.S.A.
Live Scanner Audio List
Butler, PA Frequencies
Lawrence County, PA Frequencies

Look for radio & scanner mods coming soon!!

Link to me with this graphic
Click graphic to get other link graphics.