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Hello!! I'm glad you decided to stop by my homepage.

I am an Amateur Radio operator and also enjoy the study of space exploration and I am a BIG Star Trek fan and a fan of sci-fi in general.

As this page developes, I hope to provide links to my favorite sites based on these interests and maybe some images I would like to share.

Please stop back regularly to see how my page is progressing or if you have any links you think I may be interested in, send me an e-mail and tell me about them.

I have finally got around to getting my Sci-Fi page back up and running. I am sorry it was so long but hope it will have been worth the wait. Don't forget to visit my radio page as well for those of you who enjoy Amateur (HAM) Radio and scanning (the links just below the "Love Trek" button).

Well,I have decided that my long standing rant has made my point by now so I am happy to move onto a much lighter subject. I would like to bring to the attention of the Pittsburgh television viewing area a show that I feel deserves some mention and attention. This show was brought to mine by my mother who happen to see an article in one of the Pitt papers. It is a show that brings back very fond memories of the "Chilly Billy" days in Pittsburgh. They openly pay homage to those days but are not trying to be a duplicate but rather the same basic idea given their own flavor. Yes, you must suffer the dreadfully horrid movies some weeks but isn't that the idea in the first place?

Filmed as though done with only a home video cam (and it just might be) adds to the charm of this show and gives some of the jokes you might not get just enough leadway to make you laugh anyhow. Professor Emcee Square,Pointy,Stiffy the Dead Clown and Jeaux-Jeaux the Wolf Boy (I actually look like this guy minus the pointed ears!!)and others deliver "in the moment" humor and OLD (we're talking on the reel, jittery frames OLD) horror movies that in themselves some nights will give you a few good laughs. I just saw the "on site" show at Kennywood for October and was in stitches as "The Prof" tries to get through a segment and people are walking through the shot and one woman even stops in frame just looking at him a few moments before turning and walking away as the Professor gives her a few kind words to take with her. I personally see a lot of promise for this show as it is nice to see the format return to Pittsburgh and with some well deserved attention (and a little production cash) this group could have a good run so I am doing my part to get the word out.

The "It's Alive Show" airs on WBGN-TV (Adelphia Cable Channel 16 in New Castle)saturdays at 11pm and you can find a link banner lower in this site to the show's website (feel free to copy the banner and spread the word on your own site). They also have a message board and info on upcoming events and projects they are working on.

I look forward to seeing how this show developes. Keep it real guys and don't let the "shirts" change your course too much as they throw more money at ya. My advice, if it makes you laugh do it. Never let them tell you what is funny because if you are finding it funny when you do it most likely you are not going to be the only one laughing.

Here are some of my favorite links

Images of Earth from Space
Gallery of the Absurd
Create a greeting card
Solar System Simulator
CEPS at Smithsoniam Institution
MIDI music files
Comets and Meteor Showers
The Why Files
NASA Spacelink
Liftoff to Space Exploration
Beakman and Jax
Shuttle Amateur Radio EXperiment (SAREX)
U.S. Space Camp
Excellent resources for ALL Windows versions
Check your E-Mail NOW
Download ICQ Chat
More Greeting Cards
Laura's MIDI Heaven


I hope you enjoy these links as much as I do.

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