The Aerodrome's Colossal Glossary of Aviation Terminology
This glossary was complied for people who are interested in expanding their techno-jargon vocaburlaries or just trying to figure out what I am talking about when I write something like: "The F-15 Eagle encorporates advanced avionics like the HUD, IFF, and MFD units. The Eagle also achieves a thrust-to-weight ratio in excess of one-to-one." If you have any suggestions E-mail me.

A -- (as in A-6 Intruder) A stands for attack
AA -- Anti Aircraft
AAA -- Anti Aircraft Artillery
AAM -- Air to Air Missile
ACM -- Air Combat Manuvering. The art dogfighting. If you've seen the movie Top Gun that the stuff Maverick and friends are being taught.
ACC -- Air Combat Command
AGM -- Air to Ground Missile
AFB -- Air Force Base (US)
Afterburner -- A process by which fuel is sprayed into a jet exhaust and ignited to increase thrust at the cost of increased fuel comsumption. Also known as REHEATING.
AIM -- Air Intercept Missile
AIR -- Air Intercept Rocket (AIR-2 Genie)
AMC -- Air Mobility Command. The command which operates the transport and ref-fuelling aircraft for the USAF.
AMRAAM -- Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile designated AIM-120. The replacement for the AIM-7 Sparrow.
ANG -- Air National Guard.
Angels -- Altitude in Thoudsands of Feet. Angels fifteen = 15 000 feet.
ATF -- Advanced Tactical Fighter. Like the F-22.
Avionics -- All the electronic things on an aircraft. Like radar, MFDs, and communications equipment.
AWACS -- Airborne Warning And Control System (the E-3 Sentry)
Bandit -- A term for a confirmed enemy aircraft.
Bingo -- The point at which an aircraft is at its maximum range. Once past bingo the aircraft will no longer have enough fuel to return to a landing strip.
Bogey -- An older term for a confirmed enemy aircraft.
BW -- Bomber Wing
C -- (as in C-141 Starlifter) C stands for Cargo.
CFB -- Canadian Forces Base (Air or ground forces)
IFF -- Indentification Friend or Foe
RADAR -- RAdio Detecting And Ranging
PGM -- Percision Guided Munition (a guided weapon)

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