V. Appél
Alberstone Drive, San Jose, CA 95130-1506
Phone/Pager: (510) 681-4490 & Home: (510) 786-1775
Highly qualified in computer software/hardware, repair, data recovery, training, support, and operations. Experienced in PC Systems/MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, Win 9x/NT 4.0, Win2000. Video Conferencing: Intel ProShare, Polycom, PictureTel, Latitude, NetMeeting, Rendezvous.
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Experience 1972- Present
11/6/00 – 6/30/01 Quantum / Maxtor [Contract
Advanced Technology Solutions]
AV Conferencing Coordinator
Support Quantum and Maxtor’s world wide Video Conferencing. Responsibilities include: Day to day operations such as scheduling meetings, daily review of video meetings, resolving scheduling conflicts, coordinating MultiPoint reservations with a bridging service ( VSPAN ), schedule and perform testing in advance of video meeting with all participants and systems, trouble shooting and maintaining video systems, training end users, track monthly video usage and costs. Experience: Strong understanding of video telecommunications, Experience in troubleshooting methods related to technology, Good organizational skills/detail oriented, Strong communication and interpersonal skills, Proficient in MS Office Suite particularly Word and Excel. Advanced Experience: Ability to set priorities and work well under pressure, Experience with setup and operation of the Polycom ViewStation MP512, Design experience with audio/visual equipment integration, Cable installation experience for ISDN, audio/visual, phone, and data networks, Experience with Microsoft Access and PowerPoint.
05/29/00 - 11/6/00 [Contract à Perm]
Lead Customer Support Engineer
Support iMonitoring's Customers and internal needs. Created SOP for Customer Support Department using guidelines provided by Operations Director. Created SOP for RMA procedures. Provisioned and prepared new iPanels for deployment, setup and installed systems for new customers and our engineering and QA departments, managed product related assets and user accounts, repaired hardware, software, RAS, network connectivity, OS anomalies and any other end user, engineering or manufacturing problems, instructed our reseller technicians on how to resolve issues over the phone along with on-site field support, used Norton PC Anywhere to directly manipulate remote systems to resolve issues, supported sales shows and other off-campus events, made master product disks using Norton Ghost. Installed CCTV cameras, cables, phone lines, punch-down phone line connections, video capture cards and drivers. Researched ISP/phone line modem speed issues to assure widest possible dial-up band width to include Modem Init. Strings, MTU settings, etc. Assisted the Operations Director and VP of Engineering with any special requests. Assist in reviewing resumes and interviewing new applicants for employment with
11/15/99 - 5/5/00 Siebel Systems, Inc. [Contract
Hall Kinion]
Client Services - End User Support Technician
Support Siebel's end users world wide. Provisioned and prepared new computer systems for deployment, setup and installed systems for new employees, managed assets, repaired hardware, software, RAS, network connectivity, accounts, OS anomalies and any other end user problems, instructed remote users on how to resolve issues over the phone, used MS NetMeeting to directly manipulate remote systems to resolve issues, supported sales shows and other off-campus events, recovered data from desktop and laptop systems.
6/28/99 - 10/5/99 Integrated Systems, Inc. [Contract PRISM Group]
Year 2000 Compliance Consultant/Coordinator
Develop, Coordinate, and give guidance to the ISI Y2K effort. Verified that the company's Date Dependent Technological Systems are "Year 2000 Compliant". This was accomplished using a standard Eight-Step Y2K Compliance program. Meeting with the designated department Y2K Staff to guide, coordinate, track, and report the status of the Y2K program to the IS/IT Director and his managers.
2/10/99 - 5/15/99 Space Systems / Loral, Inc. [Contract Platinum]
Year 2000 Compliance Consultant/Coordinator
Coordinate and give guidance to the Y2K effort of the Power Engineering Products Directorate. Verified that the company's Date Dependent Technological Systems are "Year 2000 Compliant". This was accomplished by holding weekly meetings with the designated department Y2K Staff to guide, coordinate, track, and then report the status of the Y2K program to the designated Directorate Y2K Manager and the Y2K Program Management Office.
5/27/98 - 1/8/99 SANMINA, Corp. [Contract SNP]
Information Technology Year 2000 Administrator
Lead Y2K Group to verify that the company's Date Dependent Technological Systems are "Year 2000 Compliant". This is being accomplished by contacting the vendors and manufactures of these systems to confirm Year 2000 compliance or that there are procedures for making them compliant or replacing them.
4/23/98 - 5/8/98 EnvorTest Systems, Inc. [Contract SNP]
Information Technology Desktop Client
Support Engineer
In-house Support for the company's Local Area Network and employee Work Stations. Duties included creating, deleting, and maintaining NT user accounts on the company's servers, installing and setting up new computer systems, troubleshooting computer related user problems, maintaining printers, maintaining and setting up Compaq notebook computers for Remote Access to company servers, e-mail, etc., General trouble shooting of company's PC and printer systems.
3/98 - 4/98 Fujitsu Compound
Semiconductor, Inc. (FCSI) [Contract SNP]
Information Technology Help Desk Engineer
In-house Support for the company's Local Area Network and employee Work Stations. Duties included creating, deleting, and maintaining Novell and NT accounts for users on the company's servers, installing and setting up new computer systems, troubleshooting computer related user problems, maintaining printers, maintaining and setting up Fujitsu notebook computers for Remote Access to company servers, e-mail, etc., General trouble shooting of company's PC and printer systems.
3/97 - 2/98 Fujitsu Computer Products
of America (FCPA) [Contract SNP]
Multi-Product Technical Support Engineer
Second and third level Telephone Support to re-sellers, distributors, field engineers, and end users. The product line included SCSI and EIDE Hard Disk Drives, MO Drives, Image Scanners, and Printers.
12/96 - 2/97 Fujitsu Personal Computers (FPC) [Contract SNP]
Product Technical Support Engineer
Telephone Service & Support for the company's line of Notebook Computers. to include Monte Carlo, Montigo, Milan, and the new Lifebook series. Assisted end users in the implementing network communications software and connectivity solutions.
1/96 - 11/96 inTelesystems, Inc. [Perm.
Technical Support Engineer
Intel ProShare line Applications Specialist (video tele-conferencing, HTML programming to develop and maintain company web site, Customer Service, Technical Support, Field Service - On-Site product installation, and Maintenance, etc.).
6/92 - 12/95 Appél’s On-Site Computer
Services [Self Employed]
On-Site Computer Repair and Technical Support
Owned and operated my own computer consulting mobile repair service. Built, installed, setup, and maintained computer systems for my clients. Also offered training and support for DOS, Windows, Word Perfect, MS Word, Excel and dBase (II, III, IV).
8/90 - 6/92 Advantage Computers [Perm.
Service manager for computer store in Chula
Vista, CA.
Managed Service Department for a small computer store. Sold and repaired desktop computer systems and peripherals for the home and office. Prepared and submitted time cards and evaluation reports to the owner.
2/88 - 8/90 Micro Age of San Diego [Perm.
Hardware Technician
Hardware and some software support. Repair, maintain, and upgrade home and business systems for customers. Also revamped and ran the RMA Department.
7/87 - 8/92 U.S. Army Reserve [Perm.
Information Management Department ( G-6 )
Computer support technician for several major military exercises.
8/85 - 2/88 Ashton Tate [Perm. Hire]
Product Support Technician
Customer support for dBase II & III, Frame Work, etc.
4/85 - 8/95 The Database Advisor [Perm.
Software Telephone Support Technician
Telephone support for "dNames" and other dBase products.
4/81 - 11/83 Golden State Aviation [Perm.
Certified Flight Instructor
Instructed school students in the art of flying and navigation in preparation for the FAA written and flight exam.
7/79 - 4/81 Computer Post of San Diego
[Perm. Hire]
Sales and customer support, hardware/software installation and configuration.
Military Service
Last Rank held: Staff Sergeant
U.S. Army Berlin, Germany 1972-1976;
U.S. Army Active Reserve 1977- 1999
U.S. Army Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR) 1999 - Present
Southwestern Jr. CollegeSan Diego, CA. Pursuing AS degree in Aeronautics-1978-1983.
De Anza Jr. College San Jose, CA. Pursuing AS degree in Computer Science (NT 4.0 MSCE Certification) 1998, 1999.
Currently enrolled in MS Windows NT Tech. Support course.
OJT(two years) Hardware Technician for Micro Age of San Diego, CA; (nine months) installation, support, and trainer Intel's ProShare 200 Video Conferencing.
ExecuTrain Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced training for ALL MS Office applications.
Home Study HTML programming and Web Page Authoring
Trilingual (English, Spanish, German); Staff Sergeant in U.S. Army Reserve, commended for organizational ability and teamwork.