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General (computer graphics)

  • Computer Graphics Hot-list - More links: Computer Graphics Hot-list, Commercial, FAQs, Organizations and Journals, Fractal Geometry and Artificial Life, ...

  • 3D Stuff

  • Graphic Depot

  • An interesting paper about Stereo Projection

  • www.3dfiles.com - 3D downloads - Drivers, games, movies, patches, screensavers and utilities for the non-programmer.

  • 3D artist - A magazine.

  • 3D Design - A magazine.

  • 3D Source - 3D art, 3D tutorials, reviews, interviews, downloads, news, gallery and more.

  • 3D ARK - A 3D resource site. One of the largest. Articles, links, tutorials and more.

  • 3Dfx gamers - Voodoo stuff: Drivers, patches, history, FAQs, links, products and more.

  • Mastering 3D Graphics - 3D tutorials resource.

  • The 3D Graphics Outpost - Gallery, articles, trueSpace, bookstore, downloads and other links.

  • The 3D Workshop - A 3D resource that contains textures, 3D models, a gallery and other links.

  • Four-Space Visualization of 4D Objects - A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science.

    Graphics Software

  • Buy graphics software from here

    Computer Animation

  • Computer Animation Pages at AAST - Seems to have some good stuff, and a fine file format FAQ.

  • Eric's Animation Page - It's a rather small personal home page, but has original stuff on it.


  • Introduction to OOP using C++ - An on-line (free) course. It deals with the second generation of C++, but seems really great - for students and programmers.

  • Graphics and games programming articles

  • www.cpng.com

  • Programmers Heaven - A very good site...contains many files, FAQs, code and examples about game, sound and internet programming!

  • This site contains good stuff for computer graphics coders

  • Fire tutorial - Readable and contains examples.

  • GFX - Great resource for computer graphics programming papers. Papers on issues like Polygon Scan Conversion or Shadow Rendering Algorithms...

  • MAGIC Software - MAGIC is an acronym for My Alternate Graphics and Image Code. Magic is intended to provide free source code for solving problems that commonly arise in computer graphics and image analysis.

  • FlipCode - Game development news & information. News, features, documents, forums...

  • Game Programming 99 - Reference and links.

  • Sqrt(-1) - Graphics coding (demos effects and so on).

  • Tom Hammersleys Graphics Coding Page - a good, solid resource for some of the more advanced, but less well documented computer graphics algorithms.

  • An Interactive Exploration of Computer Graphics Effects - a tutorial for students and educators interested in the mathematical and computational aspects of image processing, effects, and rendering.

  • Demo routines - A collection of demo routines. Mainly effects.

  • The POV-Ray tutorial - POV-Ray is a ray tracing software.


  • OpenGL FAQ from Silicon Graphics

  • TotalGL - Nice site, contains many objects

    Image Proc

  • CICA Graphics List Image - Images Formats

  • JPEG Compression - JPEG & JFIF, Lossy Compression, Discrete Cosine Transform, The File Layout, ...


    alt.graphics - This is the general newsgroup
    comp.graphics.animation - This is animation related
    comp.graphics.misc - miscaleanous computer graphics stuff...
    comp.graphics.algorithms - rendering and graphics processing algorithm discussion
    comp.sys.amiga.graphics - discussion about the Amiga platform...
    comp.sys.mac.graphics - stuff about computer graphics on the Macintosh platform
    comp.sys.sgi.graphics - discussion about computer graphics on the Silicon Graphics platform
    comp.graphics.rendering.misc - miscaleanous rendering discussion!
    comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing - raytracing stuff
    comp.graphics.rendering.renderman - rendering using renderman software
    comp.graphics.visualization - computer visualization discussion
    alt.design.graphics - design graphics discussion
    comp.graphics.apps.alias - Alias discussion group
    comp.graphics.apps.lightwave - Lightwave 3D discussion group
    comp.graphics.apps.photoshop - Photoshop discussion group
    comp.graphics.apps.softimage - Softimage discussion group
    comp.graphics.apps.wavefront - Wavefront discussion group
    comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio - 3D Studio discussion group


    Try this channels on IRC Undernet:

    Other stuff

  • FRUA - FORGOTTEN REALMS UNLIMITED ADVENTURES - Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures (FRUA for short) is, for all practical purposes, a dungeon builder and simulator. It allows people to build their own adventure game, and play it with characters that they create, in a style taken from the AD&D gaming system. More info here...
  • Ferretti's home page - A personal page of Ferretti Fabio, who works on a number of computer graphics projects.
  • Roey Flor's Home Page
  • Hillel's Home Page

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