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Welcome   to    Graphimania Home    page.  Graphimania is  not a new  page, but  now  it     has a     new design!

Graphimania    is   meant   to serve               programmers, students     and     designers, but   other  people  that  like computer  graphics  and   art might   find  it  interesting as well.

Feel  free  to roam  around in the  different sections:  Files, where you can find text  files, FAQs,    tutorials   and  other stuff   that  may   help   you  in your      computer     graphics study;  Links,  where you can find pages like this and other related  sites;  and Books,  a computer     graphics    small bibliography.

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Graphimania 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Geocities' CapeCanaveral 3439.
Written and designed by Eyal Zach A.K.A The Goat. Best viewed in 1034 x 768 res.