Just How High, How Far Is This Thing Gonna Go?


Let's assume you've bought a starter set that has a rocket of about 16" length and 1" diameter. It likely weighs about 2oz on-the-pad (motor and all). Your mileage may vary, but assuming that your rocket goes straight up, computer altitude estimates for that rocket are as follows:
Motor burnout at 0.45 sec, 32 ft high at 75 mph. Maximum altitude of 185 ft reached 3.1 seconds later.

Motor burnout at 0.75 sec, 92 ft high at 140 mph. Maximum altitude of 500 ft reached 4.8 seconds later.

Motor burnout at 1.45 sec, 290 ft high at 230 mph. Maximum altitude of 1050 ft reached 6.1 seconds later.


A 10 mph breeze will push your rocket approximately 15 ft per second. I get this from 5280 ft/mile * 10mph / 3600 sec/hr = 14.7 ft/sec. I also use a rule of thumb for this rocket of 5 seconds descent time per 100' of altitude.

180/100*3 = 5.4 sec * 20 ft/sec = 108 ft downrange.

500/100*3 = 15 sec * 20 ft/sec = 300 ft downrange.

1050/100*3 = 31.5 sec * 20 ft/sec = 630 ft downrange.

Keep in mind that several things will change this calculation.