Estes Electron Beam Controller Troubleshooting
What to do when nothing happens...
As a test, connect the two alligator clips together and insert the safety key.
The small light should now come on, nice and bright with no flickering.
If the light didn't come on, or it was dim or flickering
Make sure the metal clips inside the controller are holding the batteries
tightly. Every last time our controller gets dropped, I have to open it
and re-spring those clips.
A few of the batteries may be backwards and fighting the others. Take all the
batteries out, then put them back in according to the diagram in the bottom of
the battery compartment.
Clean the metal clips that act as battery contacts in the controller. Nothing
fancy, rubbing alcohol and toilet paper, or scraping with a knife will do.
One of the wires going to the alligator clips may be broken, take a close look
at the soldered connections at each end. If a connection is definitely broken,
your controller will not work. Either contact Estes about a replacement - or
find someone that's handy with a soldering iron.
It's possible that your batteries are dead. Get new ones and use them.
The light came on and looks good and bright
It looks like your controller is fine. Let's look at how you are using it.
The ignitor smokes and burns the tip off without lighting
the motor
Take another ignitor and make sure its tip is seating right at the bottom of
the nozzle chamber. The best way to ensure that is to turn the rocket upside down and
just drop the ignitor into the nozzle, then insert the plastic plug to hold it
Sometimes crud gets in the nozzle hole and coats the propellant. Using a very
small screwdriver, scrape just a little around the bottom of the nozzle chamber
to expose fresh propellant.
The ignitor doesn't seem to do a thing
Don't stab the launch button, but press and hold hold it down for as long as
3 seconds on each attempt. The light should go very dim or out while you are
pressing the button.
The batteries should be good alkalines or fully charged NiCads, ordinary
batteries often don't supply enough zap for the job.
Check your ignitor wires to make sure they aren't crossed or touching the
blast deflector. This will mean checking the plastic plug to make sure the
ignitor wires are on either side of it, and not jammed together.
Check to make sure the alligator clips aren't touching each other or the
blast deflector.
Clean the alligator clips to get them shiny where they clamp the wires. A
pencil eraser or rubbing alcohol and a cloth will do the trick.