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A little bit about Oklahoma's weather:
Oklahoma is located in Tornado Alley. Tornado Alley is an area of unstable air that causes many tornadoes and severe weather. Oklahoma is also at a crossroads of warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico and cold, dry air from the Rocky Mountains. Even though there are many tornadoes in Oklahoma, Oklahoma is only 2nd in number of tornadoes, Texas being first. (And everyone knows everything's big in Texas!)
Although Oklahoma is known for many tornadoes and severe weather, Oklahoma is also one of the most advanced forecasting areas in the world. Oklahoma is home to the NSSL (National Severe Storms Laboratory) in Norman, Oklahoma, about 18 miles south of Oklahoma City. KFOR-TV (NBC's affilliate in Oklahoma City) possesses the most sophisticated television radar in the world: The E.D.G.E. KWTV-TV (CBS's affiliate in Oklahoma City) has Gary England, the #1 Meteorologist in Oklahoma. (I have his autograph and 2 of his 5 books.)
If you woud like to e-mail me here at GeoCities, my e-mail address is:
The current time as provided by the U.S. Naval Observatory is
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Last Modified: May 24, 1998
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