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Thought of the day:

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Thank you for paying a visit to my humble home in the net. Hope you enjoy your stay here.

From this index page, please find:

  Purpose: The purpose of creating this home in the NET.
  Profile: Academic records, hobbies, etc....
  Project: Information about my final year project.
  Friends: Links to my classmates and friends.
  Cool links: Links to some of my favourite sites.
  Guestbook: Sign or View my guestbook.

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compass.gif - 57.0 K Navigation Tips

  Use a JAVA capable operating system and browser for best effects.
  Best viewed using Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 under Windows 95. ie.gif - 8.6 K
  Minimum display resolution of 800 x 600. Recommended 1024 x 768 and above.
  Maximize your web browser for best effects.
  Download the ActiveX MIDI plugin to enjoy control of music playback.
  Enable loading of graphics and sound!
  Use the Navigating Wizard on the left frame for easy navigation within current page.
  Use the Master Wizard on the left frame for warping to a different page.

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info.gif - 1.2 K For your information only....

  You are the ?????th internaut visiting this page as of 24th November 1996 !!!
  The time and date is

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pelani02.gif - 2.4 K This site is forever under construction.....

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If you have any comments or suggestions, or just wanted to say hello, please feel free to email me.mb3.gif - 2.7 K

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[Home| Purpose| Profile| Project| Friends| Cool links| Guestbook]